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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Didn't you voluntarily join PPP? If so, it would appear that you consciously joined an organization that is racist. Do you know what that would make you?
  2. It's best to take a wait and see approach. The boy who could be Obama's son, some guy named Trayvon Martin, was hunted down and killed like an animal by some White-Hispanic. Until he wasn't.
  3. Seriously, have you ever boiled bacon? Lay the bacon out in a frying pan and cover it with water. Turn on high until it boils. Turn down heat to a gentle boil. When it starts to sizzle all of the water has evaporated so turn it down to a very low heat. Let it continue to cook until it meets what you want. It's almost impossible to make it brittle but you can actually cook it to the point where nearly all the fat is gone but it's still remains chewy. One good aspect of this is that you don't need to even cover the frying pan---no splatter whatsoever. Your wife will thank you. Tell her I said so.
  4. Good Golly Miss Molly, Little Richard passed away today. He was in his mid 80's.
  5. But, but she was too prepared. How can the press get their soundbites if they can't catch people off guard and edit their responses to make them sound 3rd Chair stupid?
  6. From your Letter To The Editor: Requiring Mr. Trump’s accountants to comply with the New York subpoena surely would not interfere with the president’s management of the Covid-19 crisis, if he has bothered to manage it at all. I've noticed a little TDS in this slander piece. It would appear that Trump is guilty for filing his taxes. You guys surely have him now!
  7. Try the links, the patties tend to fall apart once lit. I wouldn't recommend smoking bacon. The fat tends to flare up when it's lit and you could burn your beard and/or mustache.
  8. There is quite a disparity between his posts. On the one hand he fumbles his way through a sentence with misspellings and bad grammar accentuated by the misuse of words then on the other hand he writes copies and pastes two or three paragraphs that are well written but FUBAR.
  9. I think you meant someone else. Black & Blue don't go well together.
  10. As I'm sure you know, 10 weeks after 9-11 was probably a subdued time in NYC. He spit out a bunch of NYC real estate specifics that didn't interest me very much.
  11. He spoke at a ICSC convention that I attended in Manhattan a number of years ago. No theatrics and a fairly boring speech.
  12. Trump, besides his career in NYC real estate development spent years as a showman on TV. While many here, including myself wish Trump would not raise expectations with his rhetoric, he still does. It's in his nature to speak as if he was presenting a "teaser" for an upcoming show. Think of him as a circus barker with The Greatest Show on Earth. With that said, the show might not be as good as claimed but it's certainly a damn good show and much better than any alternative.
  13. "Federalism" did not just come out of left field. "Federalism" is a principle practiced by our country for centuries. Simply put, it's based on bringing the decision making down to the lowest level that still works. Each of our states are different and thus need to be governed differently. The federal government cannot be the entity to determine how those states are governed because they cannot know the peculiarities of each state. With that said, the federal guidelines are not such that need to be strictly followed in all instances. Governors need the leeway to be flexible in adhering to the guidelines in their own states and even in varied areas of their states. Trump can still cajole or use his bully pulpit but as I see it only as it pertains to rules that differ among neighboring states. He can also give rather strong suggestions as he did with the governor in Georgia but he can't force them to follow his guidelines*. *subject to emergency powers interpretation.
  14. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/0Oyev6Kl/maine-church-sues-over-discriminatory-orders Calvary Chapel of Bangor has filed a federal lawsuit against Maine Gov. Janet Mills for targeting churches and prohibiting in-person and drive-in-stay-in-your-car worship services with a criminal penalty of up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for violating her executive orders. The federal lawsuit requests an emergency order against the unconstitutional orders.
  15. I don't suffer fools gladly. There are certain posters here who have proven over and over that their posting doesn't reserve any respect. As far as me consistently posting erroneous information here you are as wrong as can be. Prove it.
  16. I posted something that was true a while back. When I read that at the time I couldn't believe how far out the date (June 10th) was from the date I read the report. It didn't make sense in any way to commit to something that far out. I then read that it was a day after an election (June 9th). Whether I was correct right up to the date or not is less important than the way you responded to BG and myself. Your responses here have been less than gentlemanly considering the way you have been treated by others. This hasn't been your finest hour.
  17. https://www.ballotpedia.org/Virginia_elections,_2020 Primary elections Virginia's 2nd Congressional District election, 2020 (June 23 Democratic primary) Originally scheduled for June 9 Virginia's 5th Congressional District election, 2020 (Republican convention) Virginia's 7th Congressional District election, 2020 (Republican conv https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/03/30/virginia-governor-issues-statewide-stay-home-order-until-june-10th/ You may want to retract your ignorant comments.
  18. https://www.complex.com/life/2020/03/virginia-june-stay-at-home-order-coronavirus Guess what happens the day before the shutdown is scheduled to end? Elections.
  19. From your link: Meanwhile, Pelosi is under pressure from her liberal left wing to go bold on this next round of funding to help undocumented immigrants and minority communities who are hardest hit by the virus, oftentimes because they are essential workers. Ocasio-Cortez has called $2,000 in monthly reoccurring payments to all families, regardless of immigration status, and $1,000 per child. The New York Democrat also wants rent canceled during the pandemic. "We need to be able to play hardball so that working families can get the meaningful help that they need," Ocasio-Cortez said about the progressive negotiating strategy. Liberal demands also include a federal paycheck guarantee program for employers, essential worker protections and expanded health care.
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