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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Saul Alinsky never called it a scheme for world conquest, that was Lenin's idea. The 8 levels of control were in his last book, published right before he died.
  2. http://www.kegley-inc.com/8-levels-control-useful-idiots-saul-alinsky/ https://247sports.com/college/washington/Board/102670/Contents/Saul-Alinskys-8-steps-to-socialism-54116506/ It’s almost enough to leave you breathless, isn’t it? Just look at all of the benefits. We’re going to “wrestle the virus under control” and put tens… nay, hundreds of thousands of unemployed people back to work. It’s like we’re vaulting ahead into the future in great leaps and bounds. I can’t wait until Robocop shows up. I’ve always wanted to get an autograph. But perhaps we should pause for a moment, catch our breath, and consider precisely what this all means. Now we won’t just be counting the number of new cases and isolating them. We’ll be hounding the sick for a list of friends, family members, coworkers and other individuals they have engaged with for as far back as two weeks. Newly minted state employees will be scouring the land to find all of them and ask about their health and their recent movements. They will suddenly be back in a lockdown situation even if everyone else has been allowed back out in public. And who precisely will be doing all of this “tracing” once we’re fully in gear? In California, for example, they will be unemployed people who have received “basic training” from University of California “health experts.” That’s not going to make them doctors or experts in the transmission of infectious diseases. For that matter, that doesn’t even ensure they have the basic skills to go out and locate and interrogate people. Not many folks have that skillset unless they happen to be unemployed cops or private detectives. How will they know what questions they can and can’t ask? Will they be trained in privacy considerations and HIPPA regulations? If they have to interact with the contactees in person, will they even know the best practices required to not turn into carriers of the virus themselves? And finally (and perhaps most importantly), where will all of this information they’re collecting be stored? I’m sure you can easily imagine how useful a massive database of hundreds of thousands or millions of people with a long list of people they associate with could be to any number of groups. That could include anyone from politicians to law enforcement agencies to advertisers. That sizable mountain of personal data on the daily activities of Americans would be almost priceless, particularly when it lands in the wrong hands. Contact tracing sounds like an extremely useful tool for medical professionals at the beginning of an outbreak. For example, if six new cases of smallpox suddenly showed up in one place. But we’re about to embark on a process of inflating it to a massive national scale using 21st-century data management tools. This sounds like something that’s going to require some oversight, but we’re already rushing headlong into the void. Contact Tracer is a novel way of spelling Brown Shirt.
  3. Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew by marriage.
  4. The neat thing is that all Trump has to do is to make an Executive Order extending his term another several years. He can thank Obama for making what would have been previously unconstitutional now constitutional. On the same note McConnell should thank Harry Reid for allowing him to get 100's of judges and 2 SCOTUS justices approved. You dems really know how to grease the skids for the republicans.
  5. https://cfif.org/v/index.php/commentary/54-state-of-affairs/1987-obamas-meanness-can-be-delayed Sometimes it’s really hard to know where to begin. The sheer scope of the meanness, the petty viciousness, of Barack Obama and his minions is astonishing. So we all have read by now of the park ranger who said his superiors ordered his team to make the government shutdown as painful as possible for the public. We know about the park service going out of its way to spend more money closing down the open-air World War II Memorial on the National Mall than it would spend to leave it open by doing nothing. We know the park service has closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, closed a privately owned inn, forced octogenarians out of their privately owned home, closed roads that allow the viewing of Mount Rushmore, blocked access to Old Faithful and the Gettysburg battlefield, and even tried to shut down part of the open ocean. If you’ve paid attention, you’ve seen that military chaplains have been forbidden from holding services (as even the Huffington Post attests), and that the White House is deliberately trying to collect shutdown sob stories (after creating the conditions for them in the first place!) as a form of political hardball that amounts to using the public as pawns for the benefit of His Eminence Barack. Not even the Amber Alert web site has been spared (although, in an example of how arbitrarily discretionary the Obamites’ shutdown decisions are, the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign continued to operate). But what truly astonishes is the lengths to which the liberal media will go to cover up these evils as if they are mere political banalities, while flat-out lying about the source of the shutdown woes.
  6. Whatever gets you through the day. Just ponder this for a moment: You are made fun of here everyday and are PPP's laughingstock.
  7. Gleeful Gator, you idiot. Have you ever heard of a fishing expedition?
  8. When are you going to learn? How often do you need to be corrected?
  9. Why don't you tell him what really bothers you? You're afraid he'll take your job away. That's comedy gold right there.
  10. Obviously, you haven't been following along with what's been going on. The federal government cannot make the decisions for the states. They have developed guidelines and encouraged adjacent states to work together as it pertains to loosening the shutdown rules. Yes, we have some dumb fvcking governors out there such as Whitman, Newsome, Cuomo and Wolf that have made matters worse but it is what it is.
  11. Are you intentionally trying to imitate Tiberius? I'll tell you what, if you own a business with someone else you should have figured out all the basic goals & methods before going into business with them. I don't know if you are being intentionally obtuse or that's just part of your nature.
  12. I guess you weren't/aren't serious. Every issue should be compromised on? What a crockofshit. Have you ever taken a stand on something in your life?
  13. Two things: Are you including the liquor that restaurants and bars were previously ordering? Are there any adjacent states that have shut down their liquor stores? The liquor stores in NYS are having a booming business from PA customers who can't purchase hard liquor in PA.
  14. Did you hear Lara eviscerate Maria Harf either yesterday or the day before? A brutal take down of a very biased B word.
  15. The one that counts here is Cyrus Vance.
  16. HAHA Gator, forever the sucker. Obama was afraid to come out and say what he did in public. He instead had a private phone call leaked. Obviously the handling hasn't been an "absolute chaotic disaster" unless you want to address the stupid governors like Whitman, Newsome, Cuomo and Wolf. On top of that Obama stated that Flynn was charged with perjury, which in itself is a lie. You could fvck up a copy/paste.
  17. Where did you get that from what I said? I clearly stated that some things can be compromised on while others can't. Give me some substantial examples of what we should be compromising on.
  18. Do you have any clue as to what's been going on in this country for the last 4 years?
  19. Some things can be compromised on while other things lead to a stalemate or no direction taken. Where do you draw the line when it comes to a strong defense vs. a weak defense? Is it OK to diddle underage people if you only do it every other day? Abort half a baby? If you buy into the moderation or compromise game, more often than not you're just proposing a weak response.
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