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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Flynn was considered an enemy of the Obama administration prior to when Obama fired him in 2014. What do you think?
  2. Don't you know that things are going to get so bad financially for people that we need to give cash payments to illegal aliens and fundamentally change our voting procedures? Not to mention how the federal government needs to support sanctuary cities/states.
  3. Too bad your law license doesn't somehow give you common sense. All that you've proven here is that piece of paper has given you the ability to talk around any subject without getting to the point. Common sense with a well researched approach will will beat a glib talking lawyer in a fair court anytime. Truth be known, judges sort of get a kick out of it.
  4. Caution to all PPPers. If Chef Jim "invites you over for dinner" use caution. Extreme caution.
  5. My guess is that a public defender attorney or someone in private practice but primarily a defense attorney, would be better than the myriad of real estate attorneys who think they can adequately defend someone in a criminal case or perform well as a divorce attorney, etc. It's like saying a podiatrist can adequately treat cardiovascular issues. In other words, stay in their lane.
  6. Well, there's this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/ Jensen said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."
  7. William Holden or Eric Holder? Not like they're easy to confuse.
  8. Greenland wanted settlers, thus that wasteland was called Greenland. Iceland didn't want settlers so Iceland was the go to name.
  9. Flynn asked the Russian Ambassador to not have his country retaliate against this country. As a member of the Trump transition team he had every right to speak with the ambassador. That's not undermining. What is undermining is the former SoS visiting overseas with Iranians and encouraging them that Trump wouldn't be in office for long and the farce of a nuclear agreement between them and Obama/Kerry could be reactivated. Some people are so wrapped up in crossing the "t's" and dotting the "i's" that they don't even read the words.
  10. The hospitals also have serious financial incentive to put patients on a ventilator. Pay is $13000 for a hospitalized Covid-19 patient. $39000 if they are put on a ventilator. What would Gloria Akilitus do?
  11. Even the Washington Post can't bide Biden: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/factcheck/fact-checker-biden-video-uses-misleading-edits-to-hype-trumps-remarks-to-nurse/ar-BB140MLY?li=BBnb7Kz On May 6, President Trump met with nurses in the Oval Office to sign a proclamation for National Nurses Day. The Biden campaign turned the event into a 30-second attack video, tweeted out by Biden. With strumming guitar music, the video shows Trump appearing to interrupt a nurse who mentions that supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) have been “sporadic.” The video ends with display text: “Happy National Nurses Week from the president (only to nurses who agree with him).” Subscribe to the Post Most newsletter: Today’s most popular stories on The Washington Post But there’s some important footage missing from the ad. The Facts This being a Trump event at the White House concerning the coronavirus pandemic, the president couldn’t help but repeat some of his most misleading claims. For instance: “If you would add every country — every country together, we’ve done substantially more testing than the entire world together.” (Nope.) “Two months ago, we didn’t have any ventilators for ourselves. The cupboards were bare.” (Nope.) The ad focuses on an exchange that Trump has with one of the nurses after a reporter asks them about their experience with equipment shortages. One nurse replies that “it was getting bad,” but then manufacturing had ramped up and filled the gap. But, he added, there was a shortage of personnel. Then, Sophia Thomas, president of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, spoke. “I think it’s sporadic,” she said. “As I talk to my colleagues around the country, certainly there are pockets of areas where PPE is not ideal. But this is an unprecedented time.” She added, “I’ve been reusing my N95 mask for a few weeks now. I just broke out a new one to come here, just in case I needed to wear it.” She makes a few more remarks and then adds, “My youngest patient has been four days old — a four-day-old infant. And so PPE has been sporadic, but it’s been manageable, and we do what we have to do. We’re nurses, and we learn to adapt and we do whatever the best thing that we can do for our patients to get the job done and get the care provided. And that’s what we’re going to continue to do as covid-19 continues.” In the video, her comments are shortened to, “I’ve been reusing my N95 mask for a few weeks now … so PPE has been sporadic.” Any nuance — that she is talking about “pockets of areas,” that it is an “unprecedented time” and that it has been “manageable” — is missing. At the event, Trump responded, “Sporadic for you, but not sporadic for a lot of other people.” Thomas immediately affirms Trump’s comment: “Oh, no. I agree, Mr. President. Absolutely.” Trump: “Because I've heard the opposite.” The Biden video does two tricky things. First, it shows Thomas only saying “Oh,” eliminating the fact that she says she agrees with Trump. Then, the video highlights Trump crossing his arms when he says the line about hearing the opposite. The impression left is that Trump is a jerk, cutting Thomas off mid-sentence and then folding his arms in a defiant stance. But that’s misleading, especially because she said she agreed with him. (We acknowledge that being challenged by a president might make many people back off a bit, but that’s still not an excuse for eliminating her response.) The rest of the video shows Trump bragging about “tremendous supply.” It leaves out the fact that two other nurses at the event told Trump that they did not see any issues, including one nurse from New Jersey who said that she often saw news reports about supply issues, but that “in reality, I’m not seeing it. I’m in a hot zone right now.” Thomas’s comment did appear to surprise Trump, but it’s worth noting that the Food and Drug Administration on its website (updated for May 7) acknowledged that “the supply chain for these [PPE] devices will continue to be stressed if demand exceeds available supplies.” Some manufacturers were distributing PPE based on previous usage, not projected use, the FDA said, adding that “increased use may exceed the available supply of PPE, resulting in shortages at some healthcare organizations.” Yes, Pinocchios for Biden.
  12. It would be like fan All Star voting: https://abc7ny.com/419345/
  13. I wouldn't worry about the libs sneaking anything into your brain. Libs are not known to be able to handle difficult tasks.
  14. Yes, one would hope that the president would be leery of a perjury trap by officials already known to alter documents and lie to the courts. You're not very good at this. How do you even function as an attorney, 3rd Chair?
  15. I know what he is arguing but he also stated that a baby wasn't alive until it was alive outside the womb---per the law. If that's the case, Northam is a self-confessed murderer.
  16. Earlier in this thread you kept saying guns kill more people. Did you just have an epiphany and now it's gun violence kills more people? Governor Northam confessed on tape that he would follow the mother's wishes if a planned abortion baby was actually born alive and kill it if she wanted that done. By your definition, he is a murderer. A black-faced murderer.
  17. A liar always messes up. It is impossible to keep track of your own lies. If you practice telling the truth then you'll never have to doubt what is said about/to you. You'll inherently know if you did or did not say what is being said about you.
  18. I assume that's a euphemism for a claim by you that I have a small member. That's what is called "facts not in evidence" so you need to either withdraw your claim which you would have had to learn by hearsay, or clearly state how you know it to be fact.
  19. You should remain quiet, since you don't know the difference between trial and trail.
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