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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. What's the latest from Stormy Daniels? Didn't she change her claims?
  2. I think Nunes might admit that he's had a dinner roll or two, maybe even a cinnamon roll.
  3. You guys criticizing Gretchen should walk a mile in her high heels. She clearly has her head on straight and knows that fish caught out of a canoe are better for you than those caught out of a boat with a motor.
  4. Did you ever consider the fact that Tara may have liked it, what with Joe being so skillful? -)
  5. So, if that's your criteria then you would be willing to vote for anyone in order to get rid of Trump? Tell us, is there any way you would actually vote for Trump? What if Trump's opponent was Hitler? Putin? David Duke? Harvey Weinstein?
  6. For accuracy purposes this proposed bill has been renamed the Vote Harvesting Bill.
  7. It's not fair that she comes prepared when the vast majority of the so called journalists are handicapped with their heads up their asses. Hell, they can't even sit down.
  8. So, I post here that I'm not comfortable with your obsession with my genitalia and what seems like your desire to do something about it and you call me homophobic. If I'm homophobic about your advances then what does that make you? If I was the type to make lists what lists do you think I'd put you on, 3rd Chair?
  9. If I'm homophobic that must mean you are the h o m o. Go to your death knowing that you will never get my "honey".
  10. Be careful or he might start tapping the floor in the stall next to you. Once he starts it's like Biden on hair sniffing.
  11. Who me, confused? Honest, officer I'm dyslexic and I read the speed limit sign wrong. I thought it was 05 instead of 50 like you claim.
  12. https://www.barrons.com/articles/mcdonalds-has-a-real-competitor-in-chick-fil-a-51560162600 Chick-Fil-A, founded in 1946 in Atlanta and still private under the control of founder Samuel Cathy’s family, is one of the largest chicken-focused quick service restaurant chains in the U.S.—and growing fast. The chain sold about $10.7 billion worth of food last year, according to Bank of America estimates. That’s about 9% of the total revenue for the 27 largest burger, chicken and sandwich chains in the U.S., up from the 4% share eight years ago. From 2010 to 2018, Chick-Fil-A has increased its revenue at a 15% annual rate, while the whole industry only grew by 3.4%. The chain has opened more new stores, while maintaining high-single-digit growth in per-store sales at the same time. In 2018, Chick-Fil-A had an average of $4.7 million sales per store, well above the $2.8 million for McDonald’s and $1.3 to $1.8 million for most other peers. An expanding Chick-Fil-A has been mostly eating up Subway’s business over the past decade, as Subway’s market share has decreased from 12% to 8% since 2010. If the chicken-sandwich chain continues to get bigger, however, it would likely step into the space of other rivals in the coming years, Francfort wrote in a Friday note. He expects Chick-Fil-A to reach a 15% industry share by 2025, up from the current 9%. This bodes well for gaining new franchisees.
  13. What with the way his conversations go RC, that's probably a segue into letting you know that he'd prefer your meat.
  14. Mr. Penis Envy thinks a truth-seeking function would be to ignore the egregious and scandalous actions of the Obama administration and his cohorts in the deep state.
  15. As much as I despise communicating with you 3rd Chair, (one of the reasons being that you always want to discuss my dick) I'm not going to let the above pass. Is trying to undo a guilty plea all you see here? Are you really that dense and so partisan that you'll let part of the biggest scandal in our history go by the wayside?
  16. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/truth be told%2Fknown You need to do a little work on the "well researched" part there, 3rd Chair. Give you an inch and you'll fvck it up.
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