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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. "BREAKING: President Trump signs executive order "instructing federal agencies to use any and all authority to waive, suspend and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery." "Loosening air pollution standards won't fix this:" So, you're saying that pollution standards are unnecessary regulations? That's some turn-around. We conservatives want strong pollution standards not like you so called progressives. Think of the children.
  2. Wong (wrong). Things were lost in translation. It was 磷酸羟氯喹. @TH3 told him to take it.
  3. On 5/4/2020 at 7:09 PM, Niagara Bill said: One of the most influential days of my life. Protests that were non violent and flower power was more important than a friggen phrase. NOT ONE WEAPON WAS NEEDED OR USED. Today we watch a??'s think that protesting with an AR 15 and guns is cool. We cared about society as a whole. We wanted the world to be a better place. We did not think of individual freedoms. We tried to stop violence and war....Today they want to insight violence. Make love not war was not a just a slogan. You Canadians sure spell "incite" differently.
  4. Some people with no imagination think of it as something other than Third and Long, so I spelled it out for you. You also might think it is a reference to a football predicament but it is not. I'm 3rd because I fell for my ex (otherwise known as my soulless mate) and was the third person to do so. The long part comes from genetics and a secret formula. We have a poster here who claims to be an attorney that I call 3rd Chair that is always referring to my genitals. I think he was smart enough to figure out what my screen name actually represented and he's flirting with me.
  5. Hey, I offered to buy him a barrel, but only if he used it.
  6. We have two long term PPP members who have taken it. One on a regular basis for arthritis and the other one who is in the medical field, as a preventative measure since they work in a hospital setting.
  7. This is the second time you've responded to this post. It's getting a little creepy, 3rd Chair.
  8. @TH3still spitting out the Hydroxychloquine Phosphate and using his toothpaste to clean his aquarium.
  9. Obama and Biden while going pretty low with the unmasking may have not done anything illegal. The leaks are what was illegal, for sure.
  10. Seriously, a basement in California? Fake news.
  11. Chances are Joe Biden is lying about his little encounter with Reade. Statistically it appears that he lies more often than not so I'd put my money on him lying.
  12. FWIW, Steve Linnick is a very liberal opponent of Trump who actually delivered a box full of unsubstantiated allegations against Trump to the dem impeachment team. Even those people refused to use any of it.
  13. I take a lot of different supplements and one of them is zinc. I started taking zinc with vitamin-C as a preventative measure against catching a cold 20 years ago and I can't remember the last time I had a cold. Zinc is known to increase the effectiveness of other vitamins and supplements. Bioperine which is a black pepper extract is also supposed to be very effective in enhancing the effectiveness of those vitamins and supplements.
  14. I wonder if she would attack a mosque or a temple in the same manner?
  15. Why are you posting about a mentally ill person in this thread that is about the lessons of history?
  16. BillSlime discounts all of the nefarious doings by Obama simply because Obama is a democrat. That shows that BillSlime ignores facts and loves opinions. I wonder if BillSlime has chosen his new screen name yet?
  17. Yes, you are correct. My question was to the Hawaiian guy and it was rhetorical. BillSlime had to open his mouth and show his ignorance.
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