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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It appears that once again you've made a careless, nonsensical post. I assume that you meant that you were "not sure" rather than "but sure" about her political affiliation. It was well known at the time that she was a flaming liberal. You're either incompetent regarding what her sentiments were/are or you are a liar. I vote for both. BTW, no matter how hard you try to goad me into showing you my dick, that's not me. Go tap your foot on the floor someplace else.
  2. None of that will work out if we don't have mail-in voting though.
  3. How would you like her as a witness for the defense?
  4. Nothing like the sentiment expressed earlier to a black man. Sniffing hair doesn't compare to shittingthebed.
  5. What does the above posting of a skanky reality show have to do with the title of this OP?
  6. Can anyone tell us how swimming would increase the infection rate?
  7. Swallwell would make a good priest in the Middle Ages.
  8. I don't need to tear down Obama. He was the most lawless, self-centered crook to ever reside at the White House. He's right out of the style of Tammany Hall.
  9. A gaff? I guess Hawaii is really part of Asia, eh? Russia hasn't been an opponent since the 80's and he gives speeches to corpse men. I wonder if he talks to female corpses too? Joe Biden must have taught him Gaffs for Dummies.
  10. But Nancy said he was just a political donor, unqualified at best.
  11. Seems like they are a little confused regarding the date.
  12. Canada has worked behind our backs and secretly been a middleman in order to get Chinese steel into the U.S. without tariffs attached to it. Canada is only our friend when it suits them.
  13. 4 TD's 2 FG's 1 missed extra point. Obviously you made the attempt but once again missed the point.
  14. So, they are encouraging absentee voting? I wonder why.
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