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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Has anyone noticed the sheer amount of nicknames Joe Biden is accumulating? China Joe seems to be the latest.
  2. As I'm sure you know, any kind of insurance is based on "The Law of Large Numbers". The ACA tried to subvert that law that has been used by insurers for centuries. I was against the federal governments involvement in healthcare on a philosophical basis but knew that there were two other issues that would cause the ACA to be a failure. The penalties for not having insurance were too small thus skewing "The Law of Large Numbers" and the Obama administration was too incompetent to administer anything other than an Obama date night. I spoke out about this strongly 10 years ago in this very forum. We all know that the ACA was planned as a gateway to single payer. Trump's 2016 election helped hold that off and hopefully his reelection will get rid of it entirely.
  3. Cuomo doesn't want to make it political but claims it was the "Republican administration" that forced him to send Covid-19 patients back to nursing homes. The fed guidelines say that "nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility", Some nursing homes might be able to handle Covid-19 patients safely while others might not. Cuomo had a one size fits all order that actually far exceeded the fed's guidelines. Cuomo was moaning and groaning about the lack of hospital beds and space along with his ridiculous claims that he needed 30,000 more ventilators. His mindset was to make space available for the imagined tens of thousands of people who were going to be hospitalized. Non Covid-19 nursing home patients paid a big price for Cuomo's heavy-handed panicky order.
  4. The only way it would be cheaper to keep the kid on Dad's policy would be the saving of administrative costs. The insurance companies are still going to get their due.
  5. I have no disagreement with you about the silliness of a family group wearing masks in a vehicle. I simply asked how he knew it and found out if I'd spent the time to read the tweet I would have known.
  6. If the younger people had to pay for insurance on their own they might choose to not have any insurance.
  7. Do you realize that you didn't post one fact in the post above?
  8. He's very close to one. I'd say a couple inches or so.
  9. You refuse to address anyone here regarding the reasons behind your faith in Ford's claims but again bring up a lie to obfuscate the real issues and try to hit on me. Stick to your regular forums for that kind of talk.
  10. Saw this on social media. No link available. Having dictated last year what vaccines Christians must put in their bodies, now Maine Governor Janet Mills wants to dictate which churches Christians will be allowed to attend. Mills prohibits ALL church gatherings, including drive-in church. She now says churches will not be able to reopen until she is satisfied with the "metrics," but she will not say what the "metrics" mean. So, there is no way to know when Gov. Mills will be satisfied. Even after the "metrics" are reached, churches will have to apply to reopen, and will be chosen based on a checklist of requirements developed by the state. As of this writing, that checklist has not been released by the State of Maine. Churches that fully comply with Gov. Mills' demands (whenever they are revealed), and are approved by her, will be given a "badge" to display outside their church indicating the church has fully complied and is approved by Mills. The very idea of "Governor-Approved Churches" flies in the face of both the First Amendment and biblical principles of governance and lawful authority.
  11. Typical Democrat, accusing me of what you are guilty of. 3rd Chair, is your constant referral to my dick just a way to respond to me in regards to that and avoid the more important issues included in my post? Seems like you always find a way to ignore the real issues and send the conversation down a rabbit hole.
  12. Everything changed when Joe Biden finally found a clean and articulate black man to run for president that could also pass Biden's sniff test.
  13. An initial search claims it false but that's just what Snopes says. Snopes is about as reliable as WNY weather.
  14. Don't worry, he's still has his d i l d o.
  15. They want everything handed to them because they are so incompetent (and lazy). They can't even come up with clever insults.
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