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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Whoopie thinks she's a brilliant MD who should be Surgeon General.
  2. Panicky Governors like Andrew Cuomo who thought NYS needed an extra 30,000 ventilators and 130,000 beds ordered nursing homes to take in Covid-19 patients that no longer needed hospitalization but were still contagious. In other words, people that would have normally been sent home to be quarantined but were sent to nursing homes because of other needs. The Javits Center that was set up as a hospital and the hospital ship along with the Central Park facilities were barely used. Same with the hospital ship in LA. The medical people were put on furlough because hospitals were ordered to not do any elective procedures which is not only their money makers but actually have caused a backlog for those surgeries. We're not talking face lifts here but things like hip and non emergency heart surgery. The VA Medical Center that I go to is like a ghost building. They have doctors taking temperatures at the entrance just because they have nothing to do.
  3. Why do you ever bother to post here? Your content is worthless.
  4. If anyone watched Biden making those comments then there is no question that they were not a joke. Facial expressions people.
  5. So was Bill Clinton, but nothing compared to the 150 million Hillary was paid by them.
  6. That shadow is what Joe thinks are his "black supporters".
  7. This is an excellent read and well worth the time. Although much of it we already know the author ties it together in a very clear way.
  8. Cuomo admits 'we all failed' at making coronavirus projections What Cuomo did was to go on TV every day and bloviate about everything under the sun including the minutiae of his brother's travails. He showed the world his innate lack of leadership and with his panicky projections, his unsteady leadership. Compare his actions to those of other people in leadership positions who were decisive without embracing their "Chicken Little" instincts.
  9. Yes, yes he did. Finding the courage to come out of his basement after two months of hibernation is a good sign. Maybe next he can try solid food.
  10. If he stepped on his dick, that means he either has very short legs or something anecdotally long & black. If he was meeting up with Swallwell maybe he was serious about picking someone with a kitty for his VP.
  11. That's KKK territory up there in Arcade.
  12. Reminiscent of past years when lobstering was as much of a war as it was tending traps.
  13. Many people have no concept of math regarding percentages. .06 is of course the same as 6% while .06% is 6/100ths of 1%.
  14. Who controlled the amount of polling stations that were open? That's what caused any real problems there.
  15. I've thought for some time now that the destruction of out HUMINT in China may have prevented us from learning much earlier about Covid--19. There's more justification for claiming that Hillary helped cause the severity of the virus here in the U.S. than anything attributed to other American citizens.
  16. Libs philosophies tend to be based on lies. They firmly believe that if a lie is told enough times it becomes the truth.
  17. We have several people here who could be the guy in the brown shirt. Brownshirt? Where have I heard that before?
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