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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Biden remembered the fireside chats to the American public that FDR used to go on TV and do. Just imagine, families gathering around their Zenith listening to Uncle Joe talk about D-Day on December 7, 1941 or give advice on how much Metamucil to take every evening. Good fun indeed.
  2. Don't worry, since he's stealing vital organs you're safe.
  3. Yes, but many, many times the number of different screen names aliases.
  4. Provide your services elsewhere. Seems like it's been quite a while since you've expressed an interest to get going on my front but rest assured I'll not rise to the occasion.
  5. Having second thoughts regarding your unconditional surrender? Sorry, you asked to bury the hatchet and I did. Reports from the field state that your skull was split but there's no evidence of any brain damage.
  6. @Section3C it was only a couple weeks ago that the very points were argued regarding the wall with your "sea to sea" bs and the lie that Trump called all Mexican border crossers rapists and criminals. You were shot down then and are now trying to relitigate those points. Just stop boring us.
  7. What difference does it make? How many times do I have to tell you? "No, you're never gonna get it Never ever gonna get it (no, not this time) No, you're never gonna get it (my love) Never ever gonna get it No, you're never gonna get it Never ever gonna get it (no, not this time) No, you're never gonna get it (my love) Never ever gonna get it"
  8. Gee, I wonder who was coming out against reusable grocery bags and such months before the Wuhan Virus was a sparkle in the democrats eye?
  9. If you were an observant person you would notice that the full extent of the flagpole is not shown. That way you'll never get to see what you are so desperately trying to see, or wave. Here's a tip for you though, stop with your obsession.
  10. Link? Edit: Nevermind, I found those cases all by myself. Yes, you were confused, Chef. Those cases went to OT and were eventually called wins for Perry. Must have been heartbreaking for Hamilton/SectionC3.
  11. Ah, the truth is now known. Simply put, you've been trolling (like real trolling for a fish) for a piece offering for your end. Forgetaboutit. I don't do that stuff and if I ever was to change my mind it wouldn't be with a schitty attorney.
  12. I think we are dealing in real time with The Case of The Confused Chef.
  13. OMG, you went all through that and didn't even mention that good old Dr. Ford was/is an expert in "repressed memories". How convenient for her but inconvenient for you.
  14. So, you have continually referred to my "junk" as being short for some odd reason. As I can assure you and others that you have never seen or felt my "junk" you have no basis for coming to that conclusion. It would appear that you are just insulting me with no basis for doing so or are trying to goad me into proving otherwise. Guess what 3rd Chair, you've backed yourself into a corner. You've proven before a group here that you have been insulting people or you're just trying to find a short dick for whatever personal reasons you have in mind. Just so you know, PPP is not a Pee Pee club where you can drum up business. Stick to ambulance chasing.
  15. You have to ask that question? If you asked that in court you could certainly be embarrassed, eh? Yes, he was Washington Generals good. Can you show me any evidence that he ever won a case?
  16. Tell us Mr. Lawyer, are all illegal immigrants criminals? If not, why is breaking the law not criminal?
  17. More peaceful than that democrat stronghold of Chicago.
  18. Yes, but Trump was basically repeating what info he was getting from the experts while Cuomo was being his own "expert".
  19. Barely more than what we have going on in Germany and Japan.
  20. I think the difference is if a person is called back vs. if a person has to go out and find a new job because they are not going to be called back. Kudlow wants to encourage them to find a new job while Mnuchin has a right approach for the people who refuse to get called back. Apples and cucumbers.
  21. If we return to the old ways we will quickly recover. I'm not saying that is the best way to go though. If we do change with more people end up working from home then downtown restaurants will be hurt by loss of food and liquor sales while grocery and possibly liquor store sales will increase. In short, the service industry will see some real changes but it might be just a shuffling of the chairs. We will use our vehicles and mass transit differently (most likely less) and save money on fuel and other related items. Suit and tie business might go down while Zubaz Pants might become popular again. Whatever, there will definitely be changes and opportunities.
  22. This from Google Translate: Regarding the Lancet article: it is not possible that there is such homogeneity between patients from 5 different continents. There is prior manipulation, not mentioned in the material and methods, or this data is distorted.
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