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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I don't think you're getting my drift. If I'm standing in front of my door with a weapon and a group of looters/arsonists are determined to destroy my property they are going to come after me first.
  2. Do you really think in reality that you can separate the two?
  3. The question to be considered is what is considered armed? We know guns are considered as being armed. What about knives? Molotov Cocktails? Cement blocks being thrown through windows to gain access? Ramming someone with a vehicle?
  4. I saw a picture this morning, don't remember where, but it was supposedly a group of black shop owners standing guard in front of their businesses. They had automatic weapons. Questions to be asked are: Do you think they had rubber bullets in their weapons? Do they have the right to use deadly force to protect their property?
  5. I take A,B,C,D, Zinc and Bioperine (which works similar to zinc) on a regular basis. As a precaution I make sure I have a glass or two of tonic with additives, purely for the quinine of course.
  6. Black or white looters and arsonists are scum, not worthy of receiving any sympathy from the rest of us. Every one of those people should be arrested and punished. You trying to make it about anything else is ridiculous.
  7. Any longer and the looters would be entitled to 70" TV's rather than the 55" TV's that they got.
  8. Thank you for the info. Learn something every day. Regardless, the opinion piece was crap and even cited a thoroughly debunked lie regarding the Charlottesville kerfuffle.
  9. Trump is refusing to give out warranties for all of the free TVs given out in the last couple of days. On top of that he convinced Target not to give any Frequent Looters points to those without receipts.
  10. When your magazine is empty and you've thrown your gun you pull out the race card. We actually can have a dialogue regarding race relations. That dialogue should be frank and earnest without coddling any group. Calling a spade a spade is not racist. Linking WaPo articles is his go to move. He looks for something with a flashy headline and then posts it knowing the guts of the article can't be read unless you pay the ***** WaPo. He thinks he's clever.
  11. You seem to want to hold Trump responsible for everything that happens in this country. I bet you wouldn't have held Obama responsible for everything. There are different levels of responsibility and jurisdiction that you seem to not be aware of.
  12. WTF did you want Trump to say or do? Register everyone who took a TV so that they can get their warranty?
  13. What violence did he incite? At what point did Trump cause the looting? Was it after the 5th TV was taken? 10th? 25th? Why is the answer to any injustice always to go burn something down after all of the goodies are taken? Why do you think that inner city neighborhoods are under served in regards to grocery stores and such?
  14. So, you're saying that Trump caused all of the looting and fires? Was he responsible for any of the deaths?
  15. Tiberius doesn't get periods anymore. He leaves every sentence unfinished and complains about hot flashes.
  16. Sorry Bud, some things just need to be said. @DC Tom used to do that to me all the time. Just when some sucker was about to bite he'd slip in and steal the worm.
  17. You never heard of that old adage about two birds with one stone?
  18. Simply put, you don't know what you are talking about. Many of us here were at first skeptical of DR's claims and challenged him until he proved differently. You weren't along for the ride but think you know more than those of us who were on the same path. The amount of hubris you display is enormous.
  19. So, how is this pause between phases any different than Purgatory? Isn't it just the same as extending Phase 1?
  20. You have no understanding about DR and his journey from initial concern about privacy issues to where it has brought him today. In addition, that journey was possible because of the unique circumstances of his day job and his adopted "hobby"/passion. There are many of us here who have partially been on that journey and saw it come about. You on the other hand, are nothing more than a passing stranger in the night, cognizant of nothing of importance and bereft of knowledge.
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