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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just stop it Gleeful Gator. The wall is meant to slow down the illegal aliens attempting to enter our country illegally. They are slowed down so that our agents can catch them. The wall needs to be repaired when the illegal aliens damage it so the next illegal alien doesn't use the same spot and have a head start on our agents. How many times are you going to post a bunch of this horseshit?
  2. My memory claims that the Hong Kong protests weren't anywhere near as violent as what we've been seeing here and that the government was the one that triggered the violence.
  3. I for one have more sympathy for the Hong Kong protesters protesting for freedom than the violent protesters that are killing and injuring people, vandalizing and looting. The violent side of our domestic protesters are very well prepared to cause mayhem. Pallets of bricks being prepositioned around numerous cities seems to indicate a fair amount of premeditation. BTW, for those of you who keep pointing out all of the social injustice issues that blacks here in America are suffering from it should be noted that Trump's efforts have shepherded prison reform, better unemployment numbers and higher wages. The crazy Left has not only been opposing him since before he was sworn in but fighting him tooth and nail to reverse his policies. It's almost like those people wanted to keep blacks down on the plantation and dependent upon the Left to provide them minimum subsistence.
  4. While one comment states that they hope he can get the assistance he needs he clearly states that he's a big boy and will endure. It appears to me he's going to be back on his feet regardless if he gets help.
  5. Only because your personal beliefs don't consider abortions as killing "people".
  6. Oddly enough Chauvin, who has had 17 written complaints about him over the 19 years he's been a cop, might get somewhat of a pass on this latest offense. I understand that the preliminary autopsy shows no sign of asphyxiation. The whole knee on the neck angle may lose its teeth in court.
  7. Antifa which hatched from the Occupy Movement and George Soros has given a ton of money to front organizations who pay the agitators.
  8. Hey, that was my low hanging fruit.
  9. I've heard rumors that he was also in some porn movies. If true, it shouldn't matter but obviously can be used to smear him.
  10. Watch, CNN will soon call it a shopping spree.
  11. Maybe they could sell the loot that they just took and use that for bail money.
  12. At the time of Obama's riots Obama himself, with his rhetoric encouraged the violence. Eric Holder, known as Obama's "wingman" did too. Obama had many instances where he encouraged division. Think "beer summit" and "Trayvon Martin could be my son" nonsense.
  13. I've seen a couple of different references that his death was not by asphyxiation per the coroner. I don't necessarily believe that. One would think it would be big news and all over the media if it were true so I'm taking a wait and see approach. The possibility does exist and that may have been the reason for the delay in the cops indictment.
  14. The answer to my question very well might be "doubt" happens. When "doubt" enters the picture, anything can happen. This case is far from over.
  15. What happens if the cause of death is proven to be something different than asphyxiation due to the knee on the neck?
  16. Then you'd be getting a long stay in prison. The Swat Team members were in no danger from her.
  17. @MargaritaAny response to the pre-positioned pallets of bricks?
  18. I had to spell it out for you since it appears that you can't/won't perceive of an actual situation and how it could reasonably play out.
  19. Nice color scheme on that handbook.
  20. Chef, you're cooking up a shitsouffle and seasoning it with too much obtuseness. I'm standing in front of my business with weapon in hand. A group of looter/arsonists with gas cans and torches rush me to get my weapon so they can steal everything and burn down the building. I shout out a warning and when that doesn't work, I shoot. Clear enough?
  21. Does anyone have an opinion regarding the pre-positioned pallets of bricks?
  22. What is your opinion regarding the staged pallets of bricks located in strategic areas?
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