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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. God Bless the women who worked in the factories that made this possible in their own way.
  2. Q-Baby has returned with a different schtick and another screen name.
  3. You are not going to get his solution on that matter. His posting today reminds me of an educated person that has no sense of simple reality. So far in life he has not been successful and desperately wants to blame his loser status on someone or something other than himself. He keeps looking for a crutch but he can't find one that fits. If he'd stop and look he would find that they are adjustable but he's too consumed with what the government can do for him. Universal healthcare, a monthly stipend from the government along with unarmed police are his idea of success. Simply put, he can't stand on his own two feet and wants to blame his failures on anybody but himself. He's trash.
  4. I know the incumbent isn't the one who is involved in ousting himself in a coup. What do you know, 3rd Chair? BTW, how far out of the mother's uterus does a baby have to get before killing it is murder?
  5. Think guys. Who is this guy really? His posting reminds me of some other POS that was over the top too and trolled just for the fun of it. That guy was a white Canadian with a small dick and no game also, Oh, and he also begged for our women. Once a loser, always a loser.
  6. It's becoming clearer to me now. You were short changed at birth. That's not our problem though. You need to find a way to deal with it yourself.
  7. This GregPersons guy is obviously very resentful of something. He continuously strikes out at people without making much sense. I think all of his bravado is a cover up for him not having any game. It's like his whole life has been a clank off the front of the rim. Every day is like Groundhog Day for him, clank after clank.
  8. Congratulations, you're right up there with the other fools who have gone from just a poster to someone whose only purpose here is to be mocked. I haven't been keeping track of the time it takes to reach that status but you've done it in what seems a record time.
  9. Heaven, where they will be safe from you. BTW, the black family started to fall apart around the same time as LBJ and The Great Society. That LBJ was quite prescient with his prediction of how black people would vote for the next 200 years. Whatever could have caused that?
  10. I already made my determination, you didn't need to confirm it by responding in such a way. Why don't you be the first to volunteer as a mediator to break into a dwelling unarmed in order to stop violence with your magnetic personality and soothing words?
  11. @GregPersonsI picked up where I left off in this thread and it was actually just about the time you started posting in it. I normally don't respond in any substantial way until I have caught up to the present time. I had planned to respond to your posts but the more I read of your horseshit the less desire I had to get into it with you. Simply put, you are either a troll or just not right in the head and discussing anything with you is not worth my time. That determination has nothing to do with blackness, whiteness or anything in between. It's based solely on your ignorance.
  12. This sounds almost as if you want other people to solve your problems.
  13. Seriously HAHA Gator, are you trying to find the the stupidest and most off base comments possible? Are you actually trying to posit that the black on black crime is state sanctioned violence?
  14. We down here in the states would say that he has passed the best use before date if that's what we thought. You Canadians sure have a funny way of spelling things.
  15. Of course CNN's viewership has gone up. Airports are getting a lot busier. I learned that on Fox News.
  16. It's in their culture, especially in Niagara Falls.
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