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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. So, we have about 49 million blacks here in the USA. How many of the approximately 1000 who are killed by police officers each year are not armed and threatening the life of the officer?
  2. Someone should explain to her that no police are going to break into her home to see if she's still ***** her brother. She's safe.
  3. It takes both of you to fill it. Section 8 covers the part of the lecherous lawyer who dreams about and covets another man's dick. He also likes to put people on lists. I think he put me on his DILS list. I don't think I'll let him do that, even if he pleads his case as well as he did the last time.
  4. Is that all it takes to not have to converse with you?
  5. All you needed to do was carry some sort of protest sign with you from the car to the tent and you'd have been safe. Haven't you learned anything in the last couple of weeks?
  6. I would venture to guess that 100% of PPP would agree with what you quoted.
  7. No, it was good up until about a month ago. Fortunately you have Tom Wolf to guide PA onto further prosperity. -)
  8. Guy starts a thread complaining about legal murders. If they're legal, who cares?
  9. Why would you start a new thread if the black people are being legally murdered by white people? I was right in an earlier post when I said that you not only had no game but tend to let your resentment over being short changed down there show up in your attitude.
  10. Keep things in perspective, people. We have already accomplished what we set out to do. Flattening the curve to the point that we wouldn't over burden our medical facilities was what our goal was. It's been done. Those at risk should continue to follow the guidelines while the rest should get on livin'.
  11. Obviously all we have to do is label every large gathering as a protest and Covid-19 will stay away. Just think, if we had known this in February we could have saved us all a lot of trouble.
  12. It appeared to me that the old guy was reaching for something down near the cops waist and the cop didn't shove him as much as warded him off. On a side note how did the guy survive this long?
  13. Gleeful Gator, putting himself in harm's way.
  14. You are a fool. You obviously know nothing about production/production lines. They started the line up just for Trump to walk past it. There could be a myriad of reasons why they tossed the swabs made while he walked by. It might even be standard practice to throw away the first so many swabs after starting the line up. It may be that they didn't want to start up other machines that were down the line. The stupid USA Today article states that there used to be some kind of shortage of swabs not that there is now, since the line wasn't even being used. I'd encourage you to think before you post but I certainly don't want to ask you to do anything you're not used to doing.
  15. Gary, just a reminder. When you must make something up and/or distort it, the premise is not believable. In other words, if you can't use the truth to make your case you don't have much of a case.
  16. @TiberiusWhen did you lie? Was it when you claimed to be in your mid thirties or when you claimed that your father served in WW2? Oh and BTW, did you laugh at all of the German caused deaths when you read about them?
  17. Don't post anything from Fox but post a ginned up video from MSNBC?
  18. Why would a person with such a feeble mind watch something that he presumes won't match his feeble beliefs?
  19. I've got the yoyo........................................
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