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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I hope it doesn't damage your self of steam.
  2. Have you seen the latest, closeup video of the instance? If not you should.
  3. Tiberius does not learn new things. He's that person that can see your point and agree with you then the next day start the argument all over again. He's a lost cause.
  4. They still have to worry about the bugs, etc.
  5. No you idiot, we don't need to be discussing the same things in different threads.
  6. Now that's a video close-up that I haven't seen before. He obviously was up to something with his phone and wasn't offering the cops a helmet. He wasn't pushed but was warded off. I can see where Trump developed his opinion.
  7. Keep in mind people, that although the killing of George Floyd was horrific we average about 10 killings a year (in the U.S.) of unarmed black people by the police. Of those 10 most of them have tried to attack the police physically. Keep things in perspective.
  8. My guess it was about 15 years ago when I had been doing a lot of site selection and real estate development in NJ I made a wrong turn off (I think) Rt 30 and instead of heading for Haddenfield I turned into Camden. I can honestly say I was never more concerned for my life because of the location I was in than at that moment. I literally did a u-turn using part of a parking lot and never looked back.
  9. Did you need to start a new thread for something being covered elsewhere? How much attention do you need?
  10. Just remember, people who change your name to the female gender are in affect disrespecting females since their intention is to insult you. Billslime the misogynist.
  11. You need to find some emojiis. Somehow your message isn't getting across if you want to characterize what I bolded as a nightmare.
  12. Just when a strong leader is needed. Gee, I wonder where we can find one? Not to take away from the point I'm making but has the bolded above happened yet or is that just your wish list?
  13. I know I took our county record holder down in HS in the 220 in a challenge match and I never even ran track.
  14. I already called he/she out in the other thread. This is the link that he plagiarized: https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-is-racism-are-you-racist.222007/ Please everybody, ignore GregPersons and absolutely don't quote his novels.
  15. You're an attorney. Up until a few hours ago I had thought it was legal to kill blacks based on this thread. Then that Tasker guy came along and stated things differently. If this guy I know used a black family for target practice but only sent 2 of them to their maker wouldn't I he be given a pass due to GregPerson's initial assertions? Since he only got 2 of them it's obvious he needed the practice. Wouldn't that be extenuating circumstances?
  16. You should have provided a link from whence you copied the above: https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-is-racism-are-you-racist.222007/ What is this site called resetera.com?
  17. This pic has to be staged. I'm sure you noticed how that framing or whatever hides just how much of an asswhole Cuomo really is.
  18. You are so ***** up why would I even bother to answer you? All you're going to comment on is the size of my penis and how much you admire it. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested? Go tap your foot in the stalls at the Angola rest stop on I-90 and leave me alone.
  19. Not only the stimulus package(s) that the dems came up with but Nancy Pelosi's trade deals and her reducing regulations have saved this country.
  20. It serves no purpose to rock the boat when surrounded by people who would like to tip it over. I have a MAGA hat that sits in the hall closet that I've never worn. I haven't worn it because I know sooner or later some ***** up, feeble minded lefty will attack me for wearing it. Instead of instigating trouble I'll just sit back and smile after voting. I suspect that there are a ton of people who feel the same way as I do and once again will have the other side wondering what happened with their polling.
  21. I saw that at the time but wanted to get Tiberius to acknowledge it. How silly of me.
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