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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Why would Marjorie want her picture taken with a democrat?
  2. Does anyone remember or even know about the change in Orange County, CA in the 2018 elections where the county & surrounding areas went from red to blue in a miraculous manner? Seems like ballot harvesting, a scheme invented by democrats was a key to making that happen.
  3. Yes, he could very well be an attorney. There are a lot of dumb attorneys in this world and I've dealt with my share. There are also a lot of very good ones that are a pleasure to work with. Point to remember: never, ever come to an agreement with an attorney without recognizing that their negotiations never end. You can have a signed agreement and they'll still try to squeeze a little bit more out of you. Even otherwise good attorneys will do this. Just never go to your bottom line until the final end. Leave some room.
  4. I followed that site going back to before the Trayvon Martin case but for some reason it always took too long to open and I got away from it. I know B-Man follows it, or at least did follow it.
  5. As a resident of NYS I would think that you have a concern about the high state taxes. Limiting the deductions allowed on federal taxes by limiting state tax deductions helps keep the states from getting out of control with taxes. Without a limit, states can just keep raising taxes with less harm to the residents by taking part of that increase from the feds.
  6. Along party lines. What appears to be the worst scandal in our history can't get one democrat to raise their eyebrows.
  7. Nothing more than shooting a horse with a broken leg.
  8. So, defund the police does not mean take their money away? It means something else?
  9. So did every step on her ladder to gain political power. Unfortunately for her, "Heels Up Harris" won't fly as a campaign slogan in today's world.
  10. It's the point in which the vehicle rocks backwards while in the process of stopping. You're spending a lot of time and effort trying to explain away a misuse of the English language. You remind me of the protester carrying the sign that called others "morans".
  11. So, you have to be lost to find your way back home? I see a new purpose for those with dementia. (side note: I'm experiencing that in my family) Ah, the resurgence of the protection rackets.
  12. States that kowtow to the public service unions are in a self fulfilling coupling that trades votes for unsustainable future commitments and power for the "elected".
  13. That's because you live in a high tax state run by Democrats. States that have high real estate, sales and income taxes that exceed the federal deduction amounts screw their citizens not only on the first bite but with the second bite by the feds also. Give a great big assist to the "public service" unions.
  14. Just a couple of points (in red) added to your excellent response.
  15. Good job fellas, I thought for a moment there this thread was going to fall back into all that racist talk.
  16. I believe they have a different purpose that would include serving warrants, eviction notices, etc. , but yes there are sheriffs in PA.
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