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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Lies are a critical part of the Left's MO. As stated before, they have so little credibility that they need to lie to attempt to make whatever their answer to today's crises work. DEFUEND POLICE.
  2. I posted some time ago about the ridiculous amount of money being spent at the University of Michigan regarding their 93 diversity officers: https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/article/diversity-staff-university-michigan-nearly-100-full-time-employees/ No wonder some of our academia is nothing more than a joke.
  3. It's worse down in the NYC/Jersey area because of the incompetence of De Blasio & Cuomo coupled with the commuting and travel in and out of the City on a daily basis. Cuomo & De Blasio simply weren't up to the task. They were totally unprepared and then begged for the Feds to bail them out. Once they were bailed out they then started to bite the hand that fed them. This of course was after stashing Covid-19 patients in nursing homes. Now they're letting everyone out of prison and De Blasio is recommending cutting the NYPD budget. I especially liked De Blasio's brilliant move to call for a curfew at 11:00 pm after a few nights of rioting that started around 9:00 pm. Don't judge the rest of the country on the basis of what the NYC area did.
  4. It has to be true, the meme was posted on the internet.
  5. That must have been some training program.
  6. This is pretty much an admission that Biden can't hold up against Trump, so who do you favor in the election?
  7. I don't believe that is consistently true. Many of the crappiest school systems spend some of the most per student.
  8. As usual Lefty "journalists", when they don't like what they are hearing, try to dominate the conversation by talking over the guest.
  9. Well, Ronald Reagan did have to work as an actor to make a living. To put it in perspective, the best coaches in sport usually don't come from the most talented athletes, but from the guys that had to work their asses off and really know the game in order to succeed. Ronald Reagan not only paid his dues but had vision and knew how to lead. I think the ability to lead does not receive the importance in most people's minds that it should. Say what you want about Trump but he knows how to lead.
  10. I come from a large family with an excellent upbringing that stressed individual responsibility and consequences for acting out. Not a lot of rules but the ones that were in place needed to be followed. A great childhood consisting of drinking out of the garden hose, riding our bikes (that we earned the money for ourselves) to town, jumping off the cliffs into Lake Erie and daring each other to cross the train trestle. I have a much younger brother who got coddled throughout his childhood. He's a flaming liberal, intolerant of ideas inconsistent with those of the liberal Left. Fortunately he lives time zones away from me.
  11. She had to pick between voting or conversing with her son. Oda Mae Brown was able to harvest her vote in CA for her.
  12. I put "democrat tolerance" in with the "Affordable Care Act" and "Fairness Doctrine". Democrats are really skilled in naming bad policies as something good but that's probably second place to accusing their opponents of doing exactly what they are doing. BTW, are you aware if the powers here at PPP placed a help wanted ad for mental midgets? Seems like we're getting a lot of applications.
  13. I'm saying that the FBI might better use its resources concentrating on hunting terrorists who have actually been active in this century -- I'm sure there are considerably more than just 9 -- rather than pretending that an old woman whose terrorist activity ended 47 years ago, presents the same threat that younger active terrorists whose whereabouts are unknown. She's a an escaped murderer who deserves to be punished. There's no statute of limitations. Do you need to be critical of everything the Trump administration does?
  14. I'm not old enough to remember but I heard there was a time when there weren't too many policemen down south and the white businessmen and farmers took care of those cheeky enough to step out of their lane. Those were the days. Look out what you ask for.
  15. What are you actually saying? Should her status change from an escaped murder accomplice to something different? Has she paid her debt to society?
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