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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. If CNN broadcast in the woods would anyone actually hear/see it?
  2. Specifically from the Ashanti tribe. Most of the slave trade was encouraged and facilitated by other Africans and Arabs with some Spanish and Portuguese involvement.
  3. So, you're just casually munching your lunch but would prefer someone put a cork in it instead? Try tapping your feet in any public bathroom as long as it's far away from me.
  4. Is that James Clyburn over there on the left? I can't tell due to his camouflaged mask.
  5. Are you referring to the people who are presently being swept up and sold into sex and other slavery? We call it human trafficking today but what is it if it isn't slavery? The democrats have never wanted to do anything about it and to this day fight to prevent its elimination.
  6. LBJ---"I'll have those n******s voting democrat for the next 200 years". The Great Society hasn't doneshit other than breaking up the Black family and moving them closer to the old plantation way of life.
  7. Did you miss the fact that Gugino made a motion towards the officer down around his belt area where his weapon/radio might have been? As a cop I would have at a minimum used my arm to ward off the person trying to do so. That looks exactly like what the officer did.
  8. He stole from AOC. What do you think?
  9. Depends. There are good and bad things about most different locales. I truly loved my time in the Ventura/Santa Barbara area but even back then the liberal mindset was peeking its evil head into most everything.
  10. WNY in Irving on the reservation. I think it was like $12 to fill my tank.
  11. A month or so ago I paid $.87 a gallon for regular 87 octane.
  12. 90 years ago Japan decided to invade vast areas of Asia for the purpose of obtaining natural resources. Anybody studying them at the time would/should have guessed what they were up to. Looking at what China is doing should tell us their intentions.
  13. Ever since @LeviF91 got dumped up there in Wasilla he hasn't been the same. I never thought I'd see the day that he would be compatico with @Tiberius.
  14. Yes, you have been patronizing since you first started posting here and it is obvious that you are well up on the list of least liked posters. Feel free to sit down on, munch or suck on all the zucchini or eggplant that you desire, just know that:
  15. Does anyone else think that this was only a photo op and staged since there were people on both sides of the gate?
  16. We don't doxx people here. Tiberius has every right to turn you into a mod.
  17. You continue to lie about destroying pandemic infrastructure and the premise that Trump knew of this virus in November of 2019. You're a broken record.
  18. Oh Tibsy, if George Floyd can be redeemed for all of his nasty deeds just by being killed one would think that Nathan Bedford Forrest should be redeemed by turning his life around, eh?
  19. Nathan Bedford Forrest, sometime after the Civil War denounced his former positions including the KKK and became an upstanding citizen.
  20. Your venture into PPP has been certainly welcome on my part and you are on my "Top Posters List".
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