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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I'm not sure why the Jets are being discussed in conjunction with the Bills. Didn't the jets get sent down to Division 2?
  2. That's a strange way to spell "Obama". It's too. When are you Canadians going to learn to spell?
  3. Buffalo has no lack of Poles of the human kind but the City itself is lacking poles to hang by. On a somewhat humorous note the City of Buffalo has/had rather restrictive zoning requirements regarding adult entertainment establishments. Municipalities are generally required to provide for this entertainment in their zoning ordinance. As I recall, Buffalo only allows establishments in Industrial zones and the building setback are such that it makes it almost impossible to build---400' setback from the front, rear and each side. I don't remember if the parking lot has to be included in that too. Even allowing the parking to be put in the setback a 10,000 s/f building would have to have a site measuring over 18 acres. Buffalo's way of keeping out strip clubs and shipping those jobs to Canada.
  4. Your own linked article debunked it, you idiot.
  5. This article that you linked to was debunked back in the middle of April when you first posted it here. Furthermore, when the states started opening things up we all expected more infections, just not so many that our medical facilities couldn't handle them. This was the plan and we're sticking to it.
  6. I'd tell him to go ***** himself but here's a possibility that shim could.
  7. I had a drunk guy run into the back of my car while sitting at a traffic light. I motioned for him to pull over into a shopping center parking lot so we could exchange info. He instead took off. Fortunately the women behind him wrote down his license number. I of course reported it but the police could not charge him with DUI since they found him inside his home shortly thereafter. They couldn't prove he didn't do the drinking at home. In this case it didn't really matter because they got him for hit and run and by the time his court date came up he was charged with DUI from another incident.
  8. "We actually have a photograph". Who knows what the officer was doing? It is a canard by a desperate DA for his own political reasons. Once again, you swallowed when you should have spit.
  9. Silly boy, you can't be infected by Covid-19 if you are protesting.
  10. None of the videos show the guy getting kicked. Once again, you've been suckered into a false premise.
  11. Over the last few years police in the entire USA have killed an average of 9 unarmed black people in each of those years. They have killed on average 19 white people under the same circumstances. Many of these people were resisting arrest. Regardless of each of these tragedies the media is magnifying them to foment rioting and unrest. The cops can't do their jobs properly under this kind of a pressure cooker environment and the dems and their cohorts in the media are happily pushing it.
  12. I can't imagine those charges sticking. Looks like the DA is hanging from a string and has way overcharged for political reasons. The cop may even be able to eventually escape any punishment.
  13. I actually called Section8 Hamilton Burger the other day and Jackie Chiles just yesterday.
  14. I'd represent myself first, which I've done in civil cases..............................and won.
  15. Be careful when giving advice to Gene. He might very well take that advice just to spite you.
  16. Since they can't spell I find it difficult to see how they could read. Maybe phonetically.
  17. Well, it's pretty obvious what with your begging to sniff and soak my cork that you are an experienced cork soaker attempting to take advantage of me. No rainbow colored flag flies at my house so go look elsewhere.
  18. Again, just a reminder: The various shutdowns were specifically designed to slow the spread of the virus to an amount that our medical facilities can handle. They called it "flattening the curve". We have reached the point where the curve has been flattened and life must go on. Knowing that opening up will contribute to more hospitalizations, deaths and cases in which the infected people don't even know they had the virus, this stage of fighting Covid-19 was always expected. If you are high risk, protect yourself. If you are not high risk get your ass back to work and spend some money on products made in the USA. While you are at it, keep away from high risk people. Those of you who perpetually have a wild hair up your butt need to quit moving the goalposts and realize that we are just at a stage of a plan to deal with the virus.
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