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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Look up the name Jesus. It is spelled that way in predominately white countries.
  2. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/06/16/bail-fund-got-over-30-million-after-celebrities-promoted-now-people-demanding-to-know-what-happened-to-the-money/ You may recall that celebrities raised a ton of money for a bail fund for the people arrested in the riots, the Minnesota Freedom Fund. Celebrities like Seth Rogan, Steve Carell, Jameela Jamil, and Pete Holmes all said they had donated to the fund and encourage others to do so too. According to reports, the group managed to raise over $30 million. 13 Biden campaign people also contributed to the fund to bail out people arrested. The campaign has yet to justify why they were donating to support people arrested during the riots. But now, the Fund is coming under fire after it was reported that, with all that money, they haven’t spent much on bailing people out, by their own admission only about $200,000, not even 1% of the amount donated. Over 10,000 people were actually arrested during the riots. While probably most of those didn’t require mail and were just arrested and released, some certainly must have because there was everything from arson to assaults on police officers. Click on the link to see their excuse
  3. anarchy [ˈanərkē] NOUN a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy" synonyms: lawlessness · absence of government · nihilism · mobocracy · revolution · insurrection · riot · rebellion · mutiny · disorder · disorganization · misrule · chaos · tumult · turmoil · mayhem · pandemonium absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It takes anarchy to tear down the existing norms in order to set up for a communist revolution.
  4. When the mob tears down a statue it is an act of anarchy. If a city council or legislature determines that a statue be torn down it is not an act of anarchy. Communism is born out of anarchy. Many of the people who are presently committing anarchism have freely admitted that they are Marxist. It's no great leap to figure out what's going on.
  5. Jesus is a Spanish name. Spanish people are considered "white". They didn't mix their blood with North or South Native Americans until about 1500 years after Christ was born. Section8 likes to refer to my cork. This came about because he is preoccupied with my "equipment". He tries to insult me by claiming it is as small as a wine cork. One would think that he would at least have enough intelligence to know that claiming such knowledge puts him in a position of admitting he's at the very least a stalker and a Peeping Tom. This persistent sniffing around my cork makes me uncomfortable and I have asked him to stop but he has refused to do so. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might get rid of an obviously demented sexual harasser? I've been told that once a cork sniffer/soaker always a cork soaker/sniffer but I would hope that somewhere, somehow there are programs that could help a down on his luck attorney. Once again, any suggestions?
  6. What a shame, a decisive president. Being precise is a prerequisite for an attorney. No wonder you had to give up your 3rd Chair status.
  7. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2007/03/surprise-clinton-fired-all-93-us-attorneys-in-1993/ Well this is a shocker… Democrats are making a stink over the fact that Attorney General Gonzales firing 8 US attorneys despite the fact that when Bill Clinton came into office he fired all 93 US attorneys in 1993! The Political Grapevine reported this news tonight: Advertisement - story continues below
  8. WTH are you talking about? You claim that you are the one that is being precise but "defund" means something less than taking all the money away?
  9. There's no nuance involved in the word defund. There are many adjectives that could be used to qualify it but they were not used. Not being precise tends to cause misunderstandings and poor communication.
  10. It seems like I've heard rumors recently about a certain segment of society that wants to defund the police. Then I heard rumors that first responders should not be the police but be people trained in social work. I think I even heard people chanting about this.
  11. Well, each at risk person should probably be able to determine that themselves.
  12. If the at risk people avoid the rally then the rally will safely increase herd immunity and bring the spread of the virus to a quicker end. Once again Trump is doing his level best to protect the country.
  13. I'm not insensitive to people getting shot or dying. I'm bewildered that we have idiots in this country who believe that first responders should be replaced by social workers. I've noticed for quite some time that our country has been slowly slipping. It has just changed to warp speed in the last few weeks.
  14. It has already been determined that in PPP it is a-ok to call a spade a spade.
  15. Couldn't the social workers get there in time to convince the shooters that shooting people is bad?
  16. One of the purposes of the rallies is to obtain the names and most likely addresses of potential donors and obviously supporters. Any of you who have been paying attention would remember that after a rally the RNC publishes demographics on the makeup of the crowd. Nobody ever accused Gary of having any class. Remember this is what he looks like:
  17. Did you actually read that horseshit in Wikipedia? He had it then he didn't have it then he had it before he didn't. Anybody can edit Wikipedia.
  18. You've made this claim before. Please provide a link.
  19. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Each non lethal case that doesn't use up facilities/equipment for the seriously ill simply helps out the overall situation.
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