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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Are they dropping as fast as nursing home residents did a month or two ago?
  2. It might be more appropriate to start a GoFundMe account for down on their luck screen writers.
  3. The answer to your question is in these very threads. It's too bad you haven't paid any attention and at least attempted to have reasonable discussions with other posters. You would have learned something rather than having made a fool of yourself. You instead played your clown act to the hilt, denigrating the vast majority of posters here while simultaneously displaying a boorish contempt towards anyone and everyone who has pointed out your ignorance. I could answer your question regarding OldTimeAFLGuy's occupation and many more questions that you could ask simply because I have had many legitimate conversations with him here. You can't answer jackshit because you're too busy making faux lists and typing "hoax" in response to other people's posts. You should find a way to fit "vapid" into your screen name. It would better describe you.
  4. When you can't buy paint but you can purchase weed or lottery tickets I say that's just a tad tyrannical. As a typical Lefty you're moving the goalposts. Don't you remember the whole purpose of the shutdowns were to flatten the curve and keep the virus under control enough so that our medical facilities could handle it?
  5. Hey, don't distract the people here. I'm still waiting for some good chicken recipes from the last time Gary started a thread. Stand in line!
  6. Well, there goes those 2nd hand smoke and DUI theories.
  7. He's hiding from the Flynn ruling but judging other people as to their religion convictions. Just another 2 bit lawyer thinking he's God.
  8. Funny thing but the conservatives that protested lockdowns did so for things like getting back to work or showing their displeasure with tyrannical orders by tyrannical governors. Lefties tend to "protest" by rioting, looting, arson and doing violent harm to others.
  9. A good book to understand the psyche of the Polish people is James Michener's "Poland". He always seemed to be able to capture the essence of a country or area even though his works were fiction. He did seem to be able to weave actual historical figures in very well though.
  10. What do you want, community organizers in charge? We know how well they understand our country's heritage and how competent that background prepares them for accomplishing positive things for our country.
  11. The Wall, prior to Trump's addition had stretches that were built out of items that were on hand such as Vietnam War era helicopter landing pads. These fences were easily penetrated but were erected in areas that naturally had a lot of influx from Mexico. They really never shut down the border but acted as a speed bump only. Other sections only had gates across roadways that could be walked around by people on foot. The approach now is not to make the wall so tall, so thick and so difficult to get over or under that no illegal aliens can possibly get into the U.S. The new wall slows people down to the extent that after our sensors and cameras pick them up they can be caught. People can argue all they want about whether or not we are replacing wall or building new wall. At this point, what difference does it make?
  12. Sickle cell anemia attacks white people? No, I don't think it's a virus either.
  13. You made a statement and it is your place to prove it. It is not my place to make your case for you. If you don't provide proof I and everyone else here will assume that you are lying and do so with good cause.
  14. I'm old enough to remember Bill Clinton firing 93 out of 94 federal attorneys back in '93.
  15. Trump was simply explaining away the increase in the number of infections. Since in order to prove infections, testing has to be done. The more testing the higher the number of infections. Previously only people with symptoms were tested. Now people who have no idea that they might be infected are finding out that they have or had the virus. Trump was facetiously commenting on the increase in cases being due to more testing and a way to reduce the cases would be to reduce the testing.
  16. Sounds like there could be another Lincoln County War.
  17. The school year is not necessarily done. California for example splits their school year up into 3 semesters with one month off between those semesters.
  18. Well then, what's the problem? You go on letting Trump think it wasn't a joke and you believe it was a joke. No need to argue.
  19. Gee, what was that they tried to impeach Trump over? Something like Obstruction of Justice wasn't it?
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