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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Read the article asswipe, he cherry picked information that was not true and then corrected in his own link.
  2. That's just a little too complicated for 3rd Chair to understand. Mexico is patrolling both their southern and northern borders to help keep the border excursions from Central America at a minimum but 3rd Chair fails to understand that Trump turned them into willing or unwilling partners.
  3. Now you're judging again. You are acting like a firebrand.
  4. From your link: [After the first version of this article was published, Bank of China issued a statement Friday evening stating that it sold its debt on the building weeks after the 2012 loan on the property. Vornado Realty Trust owns 70 percent of the building. “On November 7, 2012 several financial institutions including the Bank of China participated in a commercial mortgage loan of $950 million to Vornado Realty Trust,” said Peter Reisman, managing director and chief communications officer of Bank of China U.S.A. “Within 22 days, the loan was securitized and sold into the [commercial mortgage-backed securities] market, as is a common practice in the industry. Bank of China has not had any ownership interest in that loan since late November 2012.” I encourage everyone to read the whole article and determine yourself if Shady here intentionally tried to misrepresent the article he linked to. Shady, you've been caught red handed. Once again, your feeble efforts to get promoted from the kiddie table have been in vain.
  5. I've read your posts in the pandemic thread and tolerated endured them for the sake of the overall discussion. You're outside of that thread now and your calls for moderation here at PPP are not what we, the long term PPP community want. You're like the California resident who moves to Texas because he hates what California has turned into, but wants to vote in the same people and policies he left in California. Your schtick is nothing new. It's regularly tried by left of center posters who want to have control down here. Settle down.
  6. What, when you were Morgan Freeman's age?
  7. You won't be disappointed: https://attachment.outlook.live.net/owa/MSA%3Ageorgeward11%40msn.com/service.svc/s/GetFileAttachment?id=AQMkADAwATIwMTAwAC0wMzE1LTk5ADMwLTAwAi0wMAoARgAAA6AWvISEADomSZyCTMjcF6OEBwDy2UO3ymvtTbZYWkJCAA70sAAAAgEMAAAAXfRMMQ0gzE259E8ku7r3xwAC9nNJuAAAAAESABAA1tcBPKAMhU6O3GoPB5K8jA%3D%3D&owa=outlook.live.com&scriptVer=2020062103.04&isc=1&X-OWA-CANARY=R2QNbQ5g102_Y6bzuUVIWoDvTnyfHNgY75EjMP2vS_Q9Ly5vRrjueFfuVAf5EZ7gFLTS5Ca0GgQ.&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjU2MzU4ODUyMzRCOTI1MkRERTAwNTc2NkQ5RDlGMjc2NTY1RjYzRTIiLCJ4NXQiOiJWaldJVWpTNUpTM2VBRmRtMmRueWRsWmZZLUkiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.M5EahHXvqHw5bokdEo--9c8ECMuX--UHitHyq0XKNlc9MBvgnNhA83QrlL0LExBAkdjrtPf7p6WWpAuIws0HhlwYzQsPQDDRxtKFUWKs8-zfdBV5RvRjKFVgQLWvQV1fdIQip8QawHEq3XBrvajaCd6NufJqvXvRLtMgKKQaLHAJANMu03-cZQsQzDsdVIk87oECw80Plm7cCHMOe_XqyeQ8_n22zANVeUdR8YjPsnVhT5sdb87I-RmPpq6OASr6WD4LCAC2OOPYBfANWGr2s8OjsY3mzk8zB6OMuE3bSEgMqZgLHfmH2Opd3F15GSfK7ZEmTkUIuEqqorMYpG6fFA&isDownload=true&animation=true
  8. I already have taken a review of all supplements and vitamins that I take and have ordered online American made replacements. I'm making a concerted effort to look at the Made In____________label on items I buy. I know I'll not get it 100% right but if I can get it 75% or even 50% right I'll have done my part.
  9. It'd be pretty damn difficult to find fault with anything Thomas Sowell writes.
  10. You've got your head so far up your ass you're crowding Tiberius.
  11. Yes, my GD complained to me about being tear gassed in a peaceful protest in Denver. Her: "We weren't doing anything but protesting". Me: "Was there anyone there acting up?" Her: "Yes, but they weren't with us and there were only a few." Me: "How could the police tell the difference? In the police eyes you guys are all the same. Besides if they were such a small amount of people you guys could have made them behave and not been grouped in with them."
  12. If Trump wants to do what he can to help her publish her book more power to him.
  13. I want none of your ***** assistance. You're not getting my $5.
  14. We have to weigh the utility of having multiple threads vs. the opportunity to have one more thread that we can have monkeys slinging poop at humans.
  15. Tiberius can't help himself, Sowell is black and Tiberius is a racist.
  16. Hyperbole. He didn't set out to lie like "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", "the ACA will save the average family $2500 a year", "my administration was completely scandal free". Shall I go on?
  17. Regardless, there are areas that Trump is not going to build a wall.
  18. That is a lie that's been disproven here in the past when you brought it up previously. Do you not have the ability to learn new things?
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