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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. She simply used a product like Plexiderm. I saw her on consecutive days, one with eye bags and the next day without them.
  2. The 4th of July is a celebration of our INDEPENDENCE. Patriots celebrate because they love our country. You can't understand that because you obviously do not love our country.
  3. Used to catch Mackeral all the time off Ventura/Santa Barbara coast. They are a fun fish to catch, once hooked they're off to the races. Halibut were plentiful but all slightly under the legal size limit.
  4. What if you won the Powerball during a global pandemic? Are you saying that you are incapable of keeping yourself safe while casting your vote in person? On the one hand people must wear masks and gloves while keeping their distance and washing their hands often to keep themselves and others safe. On the other hand those precautions are not good enough if it's for casting your vote. Mail-in ballots provide the easiest way to cook the system from the time they are mailed out to the time and method they are returned.
  5. Imagine you won the PowerBall. Would you mail your ticket to collect your prize or take it in person? Now, ask yourself the same question about mail-in ballots...
  6. Pollsters are consistently interviewing 24-26% Republicans with the balance being Democrats and Independents.
  7. Forwarded from a friend: Karma. My buddy is a corrections officer he says these young white Antifa types are coming into the jails and being thrown to the wolves by the White groups. Jail is like Racial Politics. Other groups don't like them as well and he says it's really bad for some. Some of these guys are in their 20's and are Scared Shitless !! They have nobody, Never been in any situation like that before, and getting the worst of the worst !! and the officers can't do much because they don't qualify for special protections like gays and pedo's . They are trying to get the word out to these guys if they come in , it's going to be like nothing they've ever seen.
  8. They're trying to avoid future excursions into their enclave by throwing Ken & Karen under the bus.
  9. Seems like the mask shortage was caused by China, who bought up all of the world's PE while hiding the fact that the virus was present and not capable of being transmitted by people. Idiots like BillSlime perpetuate this November 2019 lie because the truth doesn't fit their narrative.
  10. Loved the Braves. A talented team that should have went way further than what they did. I used to have floor tickets any time I wanted since our company president was on their board and he made them available every game. Became a Laker fan when Magic & Byrd had their epic battles., then enjoyed Kobe & Shaq but I was already turning sour on the thuggery and clown show the NBA was becoming. I couldn't care less now.
  11. He has had nobody to toughen him up for debates with Trump. He won't be used to answering tough questions.
  12. I just can't get out of my mind the time the governor explained how to deal with a baby that didn't want to come out of the womb dead because of an aborted attempt at a last minute abortion. Seems like I remember his particular protocol was to ask the mother if she wanted him to kill the baby or let it live.
  13. Go into a Walmart or a Dick's Sporting Goods store and look at the shelves. Walmart basically has no TVs for sale or bicycles or fishing equipment. I wanted to outfit my two GS with bass fishing equipment and the shelves were pretty bare at both places. All I could do is scrape together a couple "starter kits". I noticed that Walmart had an abundance of fans and they were made here in the USA. Looks to me like there is a great opportunity for domestic manufacturers to maybe at least partially fill the gap.
  14. Wow, stellar choices there, CNN. More at the link: Added: Good God , the V word is a perfectly fine, anatomical word ! A little Black Velvet?
  15. Change your name or account all you want but that doesn't make you any less of a dick.
  16. He's been posting "Wide Right" here for years. Because he's a dick.
  17. They want what other people have but are not willing to work for it.
  18. I was thinking that maybe I needed a new pair of boots so I could walk all over him wherever I am.
  19. You may not know this about "Tiberius" but he changed his name some time back because his old name was too "swampy". Gatorman has disowned Gatorma & Gatorpa.
  20. 3rd Chair's default position when he's got nothin'.
  21. If Obama had wanted a wall they would have been all for it.
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