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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. CK was a flash in the pan and NFL teams realized that and didn't need him for his diminished physical skills and his other baggage. Besides, he's the one that voided his contract with SF.
  2. Do you have any concept of the extent of presidential power as it pertains to things that are not specifically set out in the constitution?
  3. It's because his opponents are basically liars and will twist whatever they can. Can you imagine a Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer or Reid with free reign to interpret 1000's of pages of his tax returns? The Democrat Party is the party of liars. Everything they promote has to have a title that means something other than their true purpose. So, Nadler and Schiff are better positioned to determine this than the IRS? This is a poor hill for you to die on. Even a kitty runs out of lives eventually.
  4. He's like a backup QB for an ironman 1st string QB. He's been in the league for 14 years and has had one start and 7 mop up duty performances.
  5. Is there some contest going on for the Lefties to see who can fit the most lies in on a post? What ghost from posters past are you?
  6. The only reason the Left want his (very complicated) tax returns is to enable them to take things out of context and misconstrue them. The most important thing to them is not the truth but whatever perception they can conjure up that favors them.
  7. So, the fact that the IRS has reviewed what must have been very complicated tax returns over Trump's many years of filing means nothing? How can you count on the government to do anything right?
  8. The announced confiscation of the St. Louis guy's AR-15 is basically saying "White Lives Don't Matter".
  9. I make every effort to read your posts. I even categorize them and put them on my reading list. Seriously, I believe that you are sincere, which places you far apart from the usual Lefty flakes here. The fallacy that I see in your comments (in general) is that you propose government interference or control in solving issues. That invariably involves a tax or a regulation of some sort. Sin taxes have been around for some time but are by nature self-defeating. They are used to fund programs unrelated to the actual "sin" itself. Take tobacco use for example. We all know it has been substantially reduced over the last decade/decades. The average Marlboro smoker spends somewhere between $5000-$10000 a year to pay for their habit. A lot of smokers choose to quit making the idea of a "sin tax" effective in reducing smoking overall but eliminating the taxes that the government has become accustomed to. Other smokers buy their smokes at Indian reservations if possible and save a good deal of money on taxes. The government loses the taxes from that too. Simply put, government programs that are based on coercing actions by taxing are basically self defeating. If those programs work they defund the government. If they don't work taxes simply are increased and government relies even more on smokers to fund them. Back a decade ago I vehemently argued against the ACA here at PPP. I always prefaced my arguments with something along the lines of "although I'm philosophically against what Obama is trying to do, my biggest objections are that it is basically flawed and would be implemented by an incompetent administration". The programs that the government put in place must at a minimum be able to work. The ACA was doomed to fail because they went against the basic tenants of insurance by ignoring the "Law of Large Numbers". Liberal government does things like this all the time. They ignore facts and promote "feelz" based programs. Like I said, I know you are sincere, but you're just wrong.
  10. It's legal to have it but don't let anyone see it? Announce to the mob that the St. Louis property is no longer defended with weapons? Nothing bad could happen there.
  11. Of course not. They'll just cook up some other crap to accuse him of.
  12. You've attempted to hijack this thread. The Right and the Left were actually getting along and you have tried to take it in a different direction.
  13. You are a liar. In addition, you have no idea how government works.
  14. You mean that the Fairness Doctrine isn't fair? The Affordable Care Act isn't cheaper? The Democrat Party is really the Democratic Party? What other names do we know that the dems come up with to disguise their true intention?
  15. You're not fooling anyone. No matter what Trump did or didn't do you and your ilk would be criticizing him incessantly. Youins give him no credit for anything.
  16. They should be careful what they ask for. The unintended consequences of taking a hard line against choke holds or knee on back will invariably force LE to use other methods such as a taser, billy club and even possibly their firearm. It's obvious whose side the libs are coming down on and it sure isn't LE.
  17. I did some work with a cyber school based in Florida called Mavericks and Joe Biden's brother Frank was on their board.
  18. Now that's just not true. Plenty of judicial appointments have been made thanks to Harry Reid and his shortsightedness.
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