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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. People are not paying their rent so they have no money to buy food? Sounds like something right out of AOC's or Maxine's mouth. I guess people are going to do what people are going to do though. (thanks Nancy)
  2. So, you are admitting that you are a lying pos, eh?
  3. Why don't you use the whole quote you useless pos?
  4. Why don't you use the whole quote you useless pos? She deserved to be murdered since she was out at 3:00 am is pretty much like saying she was asking to be raped since she was dressed so sexy.
  5. So, you are assuming that there was collusion between President Trump and Roger Stone as it pertains to some testimony that Stone could give that would incriminate Trump? Do you know what that testimony could have been? Any links that would show even a small fact that would go against Trump? Do you have anything other than your usual empty horseshit posts?
  6. The statement above is not exactly truthful. To be eligible to become president a person must have been a citizen at birth.
  7. Doesn't mean he can't aspire to that country dacha.
  8. Isn't that about the same amount of uninsured that the Left was claiming before the so called Affordable Care Act? Seems like all the ACA did was to pay for insurance for people who were already getting Medicaid while displacing others who couldn't afford the new rates while simultaneously raising deductibles to the point where the people who actually had insurance couldn't really use it except for serious reasons. So, to summarize, in the overall picture we are paying more for less while not increasing the amount of insured people. We did hire 15000 people at the IRS though to insure that people were fined insignificant amounts for not buying into the program.
  9. Have you ever considered that maybe Schiff and Nadler have a special kind of experience with tax and insurance fraud that lets them sniff it out?
  10. Charter schools are the teacher's union boogeyman because they are afraid of competition.
  11. Not a chance. It had to be Andrew Weismann who really ran the Mueller probe. https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/11/theres-some-doubt-about-who-really-wrote-robert-muellers-wapo-op-ed-about-roger-stones-commutation/
  12. Gary, Warren and Peaceout appreciate your perception in this matter. Next, one of those guys will be claiming DR is here under an alias.
  13. From your link: Yet the union goes even farther than those requests, calling for "local support" in the form of defunded police departments and the shuttering of charter schools. Police violence "is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue," the union writes. The document calls on authorities to "shift the astronomical amount of money devoted to policing, to education and other essential needs such as housing and public health." "Privately operated, publicly funded charter schools," meanwhile, "drain resources from district schools," the union states. The practice of "colocating" charter schools in existing structures, it continues, "adds students to campuses when we need to reduce the number of students to allow for physical distancing." The union also demands the implementation of a federal Medicare-for-All program, several new state-level taxes on wealthy people, and a "federal bailout" of the school district. "The benefits to restarting physical schools must outweigh the risks, especially for our most vulnerable students and school communities," the document continues. "As it stands, the only people guaranteed to benefit from the premature physical reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating pandemic are billionaires and the politicians they’ve purchased," it adds. No, it's not politics, sure. Time to give hints of firings ala Reagan's air traffic controller little embroglio for the poor oppressed federal employees.
  14. So, it's your desire to make Trump king? Throw out the Constitution on a whim? Set up a line of succession for Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka and Barron? Speaking of Barron that makes me think of other royalty you might want like princes, princesses, counts, earls and barons. Every post you make here is worse than the last one.
  15. Is Steve Bannon not on the List of Lefty's Approved to Talk About?
  16. Silly boy, since the IRS doesn't do insurance fraud Trump must be investigated by Schiff & Nadler to see if he could have done it.
  17. If you ever became a defense attorney would you have appealed the one juror who ended up being biased?
  18. Give them work release instead and send them to San Francisco to work on Biden's campaign.
  19. As a former landlord with a substantial amount of units, a commercial real estate sales person involved primarily with development, a retail business owner and a person involved with multiple partnerships I'm fairly aware of the complexities of a Trump tax return. I did my own taxes (but had them reviewed by a CPA) in order to understand the tax codes in order to help in making decisions. Everything you say above I agree with.
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