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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. As a self proclaimed atheist It's odd that you would use Jesus's name in vain when you don't even believe in him.
  2. Do you support Black Lives Matter or black lives matter? Do you agree that all lives matter?
  3. Order it blank and take it to an embroidery store.I do get your point though.
  4. What I really found amazing in that picture was all the snow in Alabama in July. I'm going to have to repost this in the Climate Page thread or at least make it a gotcha moment for @Kay Adams.
  5. He and @PastaJoehave been fighting over her for years.
  6. It has been long standing policy that the person claiming something has to show the evidence claiming that something. It is on you the claimer to prove your claims. It is not on others to do that work for you. That's true here and in most of life. If you'd ever spent time in a courtroom you would have known that.
  7. The new Washington Swamp, an NFL team with 80 years in the league that all of a sudden has turned into a team named for its city. Logo below:
  8. If you had anything going on upstairs you wouldn't have to ask that question.
  9. Winston Zedmore: "Uh … if there's a steady paycheck in it? I'll believe anything you say."
  10. You do know it would probably be easier to just rip that Independent Band-Aid off and expose the ugly wound of liberalism rather than just pull on it a little bit at a time?
  11. Public schools would do themselves a favor by studying what charter schools do. Generally speaking, charter schools do a better job with less and include much online schooling. I have experience in starting up a private school in CA when the public school system decided to close the elementary school next to my subdivision. The public school system had made a determination that our kids were going to be bussed to a school that was not acceptable to the parents in our area. After fighting that decision and ultimately losing some smart person read the CA Constitution and determined that we could start a school under the homeschooling provision. We leased a building and purchased a self paced curriculum. Our teachers were mainly previously stay-at-home mothers and we excelled in educating our children for a few years until our children moved on to the next level of education whether it was public or other private schools. This was in the mid 80's and the monthly tuition was $35. Anecdotally speaking when we moved back east my daughter was two years ahead of her grade level. Not one of our parents were certified teachers.
  12. You'd do better if you just copied and pasted "I got nuthin'" for all of your responses. Do you have any clue how silly you appear when someone quotes the constitution and you call them racist because of it?
  13. I look at a grand jury as a glorified fishing expedition that serves the purpose of letting the DA, who is an elected official off the hook for any indictments that might not be popular. It also serves a legitimate purpose but skirts around some of the rules we have to protect a possible defendant.
  14. Actually buried amongst his numerous bs posts he claimed that he wanted Trump's returns exposed so that Trump might get removed from office and make @Kemp feel better.
  15. "Indeed" also helps a person find a job. It's like a floor wax and a dessert topping.
  16. Keep moving the goalposts. Now instead of accusing Trump of not leading a country of 330,000,000 you are accusing him of not forcing all "federal employees" to wear masks as if they are equivalent.
  17. HORSESHIT!!!! A person does not have to buy vehicle insurance to live or get/stay well. It is only required in order to protect other interests. Liability insurance to protect whoever a person might collide with and sometimes collision or comprehensive to protect the loan on the vehicle. Your premise has been brought up time and time again here and has been refuted ad nauseum, but it always is used by the Left to support the principle of the ACA. Is there some unwritten rule that prohibits Lefties from learning new things?
  18. Although at the time (and now too) I was vehemently against the ACA for philosophical reasons, I also pointed out why it couldn't work. It allowed an escape clause for the people who needed it the least in the form of minor fines. It subverted the "Law of Large Numbers" which for centuries has been the very tenant of the insurance industry. It allowed the young and healthy to not pay their share and help cover the costs of the sick and/or elderly. On top of that the administration at the time was so incompetent that when they rolled out the program it was so poorly planned and inefficient that very few could understand its so called provisions or even find a way to sign up. If the msm hadn't covered up the severity and waste of the program it would be considered one of the most severe government ***** ups of all time. Liberals, always trying to fit square pegs into round holes.
  19. The OP quickly gained the type of reputation here than it was a no brainer to ignore anything he posted.
  20. Have you figured out yet that our Constitution actually limits the power of the Federal Government, states what it is allowed to do and leaves the rest up to the states? The way Cuomo handled the elderly during this crises he most likely would have been an excellent concentration camp commandant.
  21. Do you mean the same design that is on Nancy Pelosi's pendent that was discussed in another thread here today?
  22. Yes, he can do all those things and you can keep changing the argument too. I think you must be drinking out of the Chadakoin River though to be so ***** up.
  23. Remember people, the testing done a couple months ago was much different. We were generally only testing people with symptoms so the infection rate was much higher. We are now testing 10-20 times more people a day, most without symptoms and of course the infection rate will be much, much lower but there will be many more infections. Understanding that our goal back in March was to flatten the curve so that our medical facilities were not overloaded. We have basically reached that goal and if we don't fall prey to pussys wanting to change the goal we will be ok. Wear a mask where appropriate, keep your distance from others and stay away from high risk people altogether. It should go without saying that the elderly and infirm should take extra precautions.
  24. Generally speaking we have flattened the curve, which was the original goal but the Left wants to keep moving the goal for their own political purposes.
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