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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Contrary to popular belief, Obama likes the honeys. Any excuse to put her in handcuffs, eh?
  2. Many of the Lefty news sources follow this practice. Even our very own little disingenuous weasel @Tiberius incorporates this into many of his posts.
  3. You still didn't provide the link for the information you previously provided.
  4. Judicial Watch 23h · Judicial Watch announced it received records from the U.S. Secret Service showing that, for the first five and a half years of the #Obama administration, Hunter #Biden traveled extensively while receiving a #SecretService protective detail. During the time period of the records provided, Hunter Biden, son of then-Vice President #JoeBiden, took 411 separate domestic and international flights, including to 29 different foreign countries. He visited China five times. “Given the #Burisma-Ukraine-China influence peddling scandals, Hunter Biden’s extensive international travel during the Obama-Biden presidency, including at least 5 trips to China, will raise additional questions.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. Read: http://jwatch.us/RKVt9z (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received records from the U.S. Secret Service showing that, for the first five and a half years of the Obama administration, Hunter Biden traveled extensively while receiving a Secret Service protective detail. During the time period of the reco... See Less
  5. It's nothing different than what's happening and has happened for years all over the country. They're dressing it up as "reparations" for feel good purposes.
  6. I've seen several polls where the R's were at 24-26%.
  7. Reminds me of the old argument against drilling for oil in the U.S. "It'll take 10 years to become energy independent!" I know, you've been saying that for a decade.
  8. Just heard that many Florida labs are reporting positive tests but not negative results. That would certainly skew the figures.
  9. Yes, this and your post re the LA teacher union triggered my long held thoughts about public unions thus the OP. Private unions are a different story. Although they don't thrill me, I view them on about the same level as peaceful protests. I might not like their message but believe they have every right to tell it.
  10. Public unions seem to be in the bribery business in that they negotiate contracts with the same people they can vote for. They have gone so far as to hold school children hostage to further their own personal political goals. Look at the example that the 35,000 strong UTLA has given us. They have aligned themselves with BLM goals and are threatening to not open up schools without such things as a moratorium to be placed on charter schools, defunding the police and removal of all cops from the schools. The link below tells the story of the LA school taking hostage but the reason for this thread is to discuss public unions in general. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/la-teachers-union-demands-defunding-the-police-and-charter-moratorium-before-reopening-schools
  11. You should probably tread very lightly there. You pretty much stick to this thread and don't get to see what goes on in the other threads I assume. In the last few months PPP has had a small invasion of "new" posters that have tried to gang up on DR specifically and interrupt any discussions he had going on. As I understand it DR's transgression was an outlier and not an accumulation of faux pas. He has put a ton of time in on this board and until recently had the patience of Job when dealing with people who didn't know anything about what they were trying to discuss.
  12. When was the last time you ever learned anything?
  13. Seriously, through? Where did you even go to school?
  14. From your first link: Worse, in an infuriating but sadly typical twist, the Seattle City Council exempted all government employees from their new tax. That’s right: The supposedly benevolent socialist city officials who thrust this upon their constituents made sure to carve out a giant exception for their peers on the taxpayer dime. According to OpenTheBooks.com, 601 city employees in Seattle earned $195,000 or more. Analysts found that “tree trimmers lopped off $160,604; the chief librarian made $197,704; electricians earned $271,070; electrical lineworkers made $307,387; and police officers earned up to $414,543.” The new payroll tax will not apply to any of these government employees or their peers otherwise drowning in taxpayer cash. So, no, the city council’s new tax is most certainly not a “victory for working people.” It’s a tax imposed on working people by politicians who made sure to spare the government class from sharing any of the burden.
  15. Hmmn. Should I be looking over my shoulder?
  16. Our (USA) carbon emissions have improved in the last decade or two. My guess is the use of natural gas has replaced other dirtier fuels.
  17. Ah, the Chick-Fil-A Marketing Plan. Piss off the Left enough for them to declare a boycott and then see everyone not on the Left rush to buy their product.
  18. Looks like he just got caught up in the peaceful BLM movement.
  19. You are arguing with someone who thought it was hilarious that we had 4 people killed in Benghazi. There's a reason he is sometimes known as HAHA Gator or Gleeful Gator. He is bereft of any principles and lacking in cognitive ability. Your responses to him fall on deaf ears and a dumb mind. I use him to keep my mocking skills up to date. He serves the purpose of the target ship the Navy uses for practice.
  20. Yes, those were the first known deaths in the U.S. They certainly didn't infect themselves so i'm not sure what your point is?
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