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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. This is a well reasoned post.
  2. Yes, let's have a $17,000,000 a year safety. Add up the secondary salaries once our new corners become really good and have a 60 million dollar secondary.
  3. Previous year's picture.
  4. Holes in your yard?
  5. Those jugg machines have an artificial feel. They're just not like the real thing.
  6. Oh c'mon. If only Allen wasn't so good. -)
  7. Give him time, transitioning can be tough.
  8. It works for me because I take it with my regular supplements as a matter of habit. My level is about 50% of daily requirements and that seems to be a happy medium that prevents cramps but doesn't cause any other problems. I experimented with other products and none seemed to work like this one. To each his own though and you guys who would prefer to rub your legs shouldn't deprive yourselves. -)
  9. At that distance a sand wedge might have been more appropriate.
  10. Try a product called "Cramp Defense", available on the internet. It has magnesium in it but it also has some other products that "buffer" the magnesium and doesn't mess with your lower tract. I used to wake up with leg and foot cramps all the time but have been taking this product for about two years and haven't once had a cramp and my stomach isn't affected.
  11. So, is this what accounts for the large spread?
  12. @Wayne ArnoldI objected to you calling all billionaires the dregs of society so you post an emoji laughing at my objection? If you disagree with me state your case, don't hide behind an emoji.
  13. Seriously? Think of all the good billionaires have done throughout our history.
  14. Is it too late to get Josh Rosen?
  15. So, they found a suitable replacement for Lee Smith, eh?
  16. If I remember correctly the *Pats gained about 220 yards total in that game.
  17. Nearly everyone looks at the total running yards gained in that game. That total is basically all the yards they gained. That loss was on the Bill's offense.
  18. I had a friend who would do that too.
  19. Those manors take on a life of their own sometimes. Be careful, the straw on the floor can be as slippery as a mat.
  20. Had lunch with "The Coach" quite a few years ago. He was a really nice guy that didn't slam anyone while sitting at a private table with 5 other people. When he went on camera he did a 180.
  21. Isn't the MVP awarded for regular season play only?
  22. Who would name their gerbil "Anus"?
  23. You mean he won't tackle anyone? Be careful about that ball busting. It might deflate the balls to the way Marcia likes them.
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