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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Joe Biden dons bear costume and sniffs the hair and fondles woman in Mexico.
  2. Yet you certainly seemed critical of Trump restricting travel because of the virus.
  3. I think I sensed a little chuckle on his part.
  4. Uh, that's no Model-A in the background. Looks like it could be a Ford Fairlane. We should ask Tiberius for permission to send in the Federal Reserves.
  5. The messaging has come mainly from the MSM and no matter what Trump did they would highly criticize him. The federal response has actually been quite remarkable. We can argue all you want about the preparedness and whose fault that was but the build up of supplies and ventilators was a gigantic effort with huge results.
  6. It's sort of like the business owner who relies on the public for their business, they're not going to publicly take sides.
  7. So the governor states that he's getting everything he needs from the feds and that makes him an idiot? You are nothing more than an idiotic hack.
  8. I truly understand DC Tom's prolific use of the term "Idiot" now. I haven't the slightest desire to engage you with your incessant horseshit lies but I do want to acknowledge your mastery of idiocy. You're an idiot.
  9. "Whatever" or a fake meme is about the most substantial thing he can come up with.
  10. He needed room to bring back the Winston Churchill bust that Obama had removed.
  11. We've heard anecdotal reports of Covid-19 tests coming up positive while the swab itself came straight from the packaging without ever collecting a sample from a person. One wonders if a country that would hide and spread this virus worldwide would also have the audacity to supply the world, or at least their chief geopolitical opponent with infected swabs. Would anyone rule this out?
  12. The Chinese Communist Party is not going to be ended by a blockade or use of force. It will only be ended from within, much like they are trying to influence our demise.
  13. Ask Tiberius, he'll tell you what it's like. Maybe even give you some tips on folding laundry.
  14. Well, a blockade will certainly prevent that.
  15. There's more subtle ways of dealing with China. Every one of us needs to make the personal decision to buy as few products from China as possible. Sooner or later they won't be able to sustain and maintain their ships and weapons, especially with their cheap ass construction and steel.
  16. Anyone ever notice how many retired people are for letting the various shutdowns go on forever?
  17. Sorta like that oil embargo we had against Japan 80 years ago, eh?
  18. Don Lemon, inviting the camel to put his nose under the tent.
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