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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That has to have gone back a dozen years.
  2. Is he then going to go on to Puerto Rico to solve their issues for the 15th time?
  3. Hasn't Biden claimed that if he wins he will immediately dictate a nationwide command for everyone to use masks outside the home? Cut him some slack, Biden just wanted to keep his kids out of the jungle.
  4. So, take your word for it, eh? Your most recent foray into PPP hasn't been exactly successful now has it?
  5. You were asked for proof of Tucker doxxing other people and you finally provide an op-ed written by a defense attorney who has a bone to pick?
  6. How do you know what I remember and what I don't? Do you remember being potty trained? Some things are ingrained in our children without them knowing.
  7. Teaching 5-year-old school children about "social justice" and "institutionalized racism" seems about as appropriate as when schools have drag queens read to their elementary students. It's all about indoctrination. Trump had a legitimate claim.
  8. Stick this in your pipe and smoke it: https://strongamericanews.com/virginias-government-schools-to-teach-social-justice-to-kindergarteners/ Virginia kindergarten students will learn about institutional racism alongside the alphabet, according to a new curriculum created for the upcoming school year. Loudoun County is adding “social justice” to the mission of teaching elementary school students reading, writing, and arithmetic. The Washington, D.C., suburb—the richest county in the country—has teamed up with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) education arm Teaching Tolerance to develop its new curriculum. The proposed lesson plan will restructure history and social studies classes to emphasize slavery as fundamental to American society for students from kindergarten to the fifth grade.
  9. But, but, but they were in camoufloged uniforms!
  10. I disagree with your conclusion but In the meantime Joe Biden is refusing any interviews that the MSM might possibly be thinking of asking him to sit for. Your newly acclaimed Fox News hero Chris Wallace subsequently & grudgingly gave Trump kudos for figuratively and literally taking the heat of an interview and answering every question thrown at him, with no subject off the table. Compare the confidence of Trump to Biden & his feeble attempt to show leadership by hiding behind the pantsuits of "The Squad" and other elected officials working to turn the USA into Somalia or Venezuela.
  11. On the one hand people here criticize him for his messaging then on the other hand criticize him for doing something that gives him good ratings.
  12. Section8 came here to PPP looking for minions, and he found you.
  13. So, the governors of Washington and Oregon are inept enough that they need Trump to order them what to do?
  14. You've been looking at the wrong jugs.
  15. And when they don't live up to their oaths and govern then the federal government has a duty to step in.
  16. How can a poster who has had numerous screen names and is now hiding behind one because he was sent on a timeout, speak to the issue of trust as if he knows something about it?
  17. Actually it was about considering those smaller loans that were initially intended to be turned into grants to be done so without documentation. BillSlime is wrong once again.
  18. Why are you calling looting, violence and arson protests?
  19. Once again I'm calling you out for your lies. Your Huffington Post article does not say what you claim. Why do you democrats always have to lie to try to prove a point?
  20. These people would have been happy to have a windmill or two around.
  21. I suppose it's just a pure coincidence that the rioting, looting, violence and arson is only going on in democrat states? The leaders in those states and cities are not up to the job of keeping the peace. Someone has to be the adult.
  22. So, they were pretty much just like BillSlime, eh?
  23. Trump restricted travel from China just days after the WHO admitted that it could be spread between humans. At that time Fauci's advice was to not restrict travel while the dems were up in arms over it. He restricted travel from Europe once they found that the cases on the East Coast were actually coming from Europe. I really don't know what he could have done differently with the information that he had at the time. Trump is somewhat limited as to what he can do. He (and his team) can give advice to the governors, cajole them and try to coordinate the efforts to fight the virus but he can't act as a dictator. Right now the same people who are saying that Trump should be acting as if he is a dictator are claiming he shouldn't be sending feds into Portland to protect federal property. Trump has actually accomplished not only a lot but has done what he campaigned on, all the time doing it with fierce headwinds created by the dems and MSM. You may not personally like him or his policies but again he's doing what he said he would do and he got elected on that basis. He's been a very effective president.
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