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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I have a link previously posted in this thread that states that 5-year-old children will be taught about slavery and social justice. Do you think that will morph into anti-American sentiment?
  2. So, now that the various governors have come around and required the wearing of masks it's to their credit while before it was to Trump's detriment that they did not wear masks? You guys are pathetic.
  3. As usual you are moving the goalposts then coming up with a cockamamy way to blame Trump.
  4. What are you saying? The county school system has come out and stated that they are going to start indoctrinating 5-year old children with their versions of slavery and social justice. Are you saying it's no big deal because the kids won't remember it anyway?
  5. This from the guy with more names than a Mexican debutante.
  6. That's a tough question. We know he gets all excited when an infant is yanked (in pieces) from a mother's womb just moments before he/she would have exited on their own. We also know that he laughed very loud when adults were killed in Benghazi. Maybe if we aborted 30-year-old servicemen he would get real belly laughs. Bonus points if they are in uniform.
  7. After thorough analysis including lip reading I determined that Kimberly Halkett mumbled under her breath (with a mask on) "Kayleigh, I wish I looked like you and had the class and presence of mind to get a job like you have. In addition, whatever made you think of coming to these press briefings so prepared and with a binder to help you?" That's what I determined. Honestly.
  8. One source was named and it was Johnson's former deputy who was canned.
  9. From your link: In a brief interview last week, Mr. Mundell said it was “inappropriate” for him to discuss his dealings with Mr. Johnson and referred to a British government statement that said Mr. Johnson “made no request of Mr. Mundell regarding the British Open or any other sporting event.” The statement did not address whether the ambassador had broached the issue of Turnberry, which Mr. Trump bought in 2014, but none of the next four Opens are scheduled to be played there. Do you read what you link to?
  10. Shanghai Yangtzes. Beijing Redskins. Yangzhou Junk. Nanjing Comfort Women.
  11. He smokes and is more worried about Covid-19? Did you hire him out of a certain laundromat?
  12. You sound drunk or maybe just like Gleeful Gator has always sounded. Only citizens can vote and only citizens or legal residents should be counted for the purpose of representation. Counting illegal aliens only encourages more illegal aliens to settle in certain areas. Why should we give more voting power to municipalities that become sanctuaries for criminals?
  13. Protesting is not physically attacking the police, looting, violence and arson. There's a consequence for ones actions.
  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/masks-symbolic-say-dr-fauci-new-england-journal-medicine/ In the past week, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols. Virtue signaling. Advertisement - story continues below For those of you who shout “science” like it’s a Tourette tick, this is from the New England Journal of Medicine on May 21, 2020: 00:0001:22 TRENDING: These People Are Nuts: Broward County Officials Now Require Citizens Wear Masks WITHIN THEIR OWN HOMES So, why are we ordered to wear masks? Symbolism. From the same article in NEJM: Advertisement - story continues below
  15. Now Gary, did you really mean to use the word weary here? Warren never would have done that.
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