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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. He has a bustling business going selling laser pointers to "peaceful protesters".
  2. You missed your calling, you should find a job picking cherries. Frankly speaking, you are so fullofshit trying to prove your various points that you are not worth the effort to argue with. It's as if you have the goalposts tied to a dodgem car.
  3. We can't disengage with China fast enough. I know how to correct the trade deficit with them---quit buying their inferior product.
  4. Who knows what they think? I can't relate to the liberal mindset.
  5. It's how much the brown shirts are like Antifa, except Antifa people are dressed in black.
  6. Get back to me when she learns how to use a garbage disposal. Did she ever get her tuition deposit back from the Electoral College?
  7. I hope they keep thinking that way. To anyone with half a brain Biden has been exposed as the Left's useful idiot. If enough of the middle come to that conclusion Trump will win going away. If he wins we'll keep the Senate and maybe gain the House.
  8. I've never been one to march or protest in the streets. If you needed someone to march alongside of you based on this sentiment, I'd do it and I'm white.
  9. Anyone notice how much of a stretch the Lefties have to make for them to find something for them to cling to in order to justify Joe Biden?
  10. You make a somewhat reasoned argument but the call to chop our defense budget is shortsighted. China has proven lately that they will do most anything to take over our leadership and make us their bitchh. Not only do we need to stay strong but we need to get stronger. It may be the only thing that keeps us out of war with China.
  11. It's Molly Ivins not Molly Evans. More importantly there is no such thing as the Democratic Party. it's the Democrat Party. Don't tell Tiberius, let him slop around in his ignorance. As usual.
  12. Little did they know that the fireworks were in celebration of DR, the prodigal son returning.
  13. It would appear that you are in the Margaret Sanger camp of killing black babies in order to keep the percentage of blacks in this country down. I guess your backup plan if that fails is to kill them in their cribs. Do you think that by being such a prick you'll convince us that yes, you are a lawyer?
  14. Please fix title in both instances. Just think people, Gleeful Gator has no idea what is wrong with the title.
  15. China has always produced inferior products for export. I wouldn't trust them with such a important item as a vaccine. They deliberately spread Covid-19 to the rest of the world. Why would they change now?
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