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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Every time you respond this way it just highlights the fact that you don't have a legitimate response.
  2. She hasn't accomplished jackshit with her life. All of you Lefty freaks tend to think that gaining a position is the same as accomplishing something. It's just like you thinking you've accomplished something because you passed the bar exam. You're a fool, enamored with a pretty little thing bereft of brains who thinks that all air travel should be banned. Oh, and the military should be defunded.
  3. Once again, BillSlime posts a lie. Hurricane Hanna hit South Texas at nightime while this footage was shot during the day. This was most likely a portion of old fence that went down in CA in January. Libs invariably have to make things up to try to prove a point. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hurricane-hanna-likely-did-not-knock-down-trump-border-wall-official-says-here-e2-80-99s-what-we-know/ar-BB17dsOw
  4. 3rd Chair, insulting his betters because he's out of options. He actually thinks AOC is accomplished in some way because her handlers found her a spot in congress. She's dumb as a rock and has been fooled into espousing the communist line. Your admiration for her must mean that you are a communist too. I bet you have a ponytail or man bun and it wouldn't surprise me if you spray painted federal buildings and defecated on the street.
  5. Whatever do you have against people who wash? You should try it some time but I doubt it'll get rid of the stench of your poor lawyering.
  6. Not to answer for Gleeful Gator (I don't want to stoop that low) but he defended presidential lies as if they were part of the job.
  7. Crack Dip, an amazing party pleaser and a suitable substitute for K-Y Jelly.
  8. B-Man is correct. We came out of the recession in early 2009 but especially considering how deep the recession was we never had anything other than an anemic recovery, for 8 years. 8 promised "summers of recovery" that amounted to nothing more than typical Obama empty promises.
  9. You must think that women in general tend to like and/or respect AOC. AOC is a poor reflection on women in general. Just like Obama was a poor reflection upon POC, AOC shames her gender.
  10. And what does this have to do with deaths?
  11. You mean like Obama did when his administration was doing all it could to encourage the failure of Charter Schools.
  12. One would wonder why peaceful protesters would allow themselves to be sucked into arson, rioting and violence for 54 nights in a row? My guess is that they are really really stupid or they are actually part of the shitshow.
  13. Yes, a disbarred AG is what we need. BTW, why did she get fired from the Watergate team?
  14. One has to look at the big picture too. We are facing what appears to be an all out conflict with China and we need to be prepared for it. A strong economy along with less divisiveness within our country is going to be necessary to be successful in this battle. Before any of you numbnuts claim I'm predicting a nuclear war with China, that is not what I'm saying.
  15. My bet is that you've had a lot of experience being called dishonest and stupid.
  16. Be realistic. His ceiling is the floor.
  17. None of us here care to hear about your little thingy.
  18. No, the DC protesters had continued past curfew and had been warned several times to disperse before tear gas was used on them. Did the Federal Law Enforcement cause the violence in Portland in the first 50 days of rioting? We know that the local police force was told to stand down during that time. Talk your way out of that one.
  19. It's just an odd coincidence that the innocent protesters seem to always be around when spontaneous combustion breaks out.
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