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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. His Top Secret credentials were taken away from him for cause but I guess it sounds better that the CIA wouldn't let him see classified files in order to write a book.
  2. Mayor Jenny Durkan @MayorJenny Policing decisions in Seattle should be made by Chief @CarmenBest – not @realDonaldTrump. It’s why federal law enforcement officials as well as Democratic and Republican former heads of @DHSgov are raising alarm bells. 5:10 PM · Jul 28, 2020 Well gee Jenny, weren't you the one who made all the policing decisions that included retreating from a police precinct building and leaving it to the rioters? Didn't you give up several square blocks of the city for an autonomous zone for looters? Didn't the Chief, Carmen Best speak out against your actions?
  3. Do you have a certificate? Native status doesn't just happen. I suppose if you've done enough coke & weed you can become a Quasi Californian but that status just sends out questionable vibes to LA's Finest.
  4. Normally I wouldn't read anything he links to because of his dishonesty and this article confirms my prior good judgement. The article is nothing but speculation.
  5. Depends upon whether or not you want to become Native Californian. With enough coke, weed and therapy anyone can become a simple Californian. Gaining native status is a little more difficult but with a little extra coke and weed I can supply the certificate. Throw in a good looking hooker or two and I can speed up that process before you can say "***** Newsome".
  6. You wouldn't be talking that way if only some country had really really tried Fascism.
  7. "Crimate Clisis" is what happens when you spend too much time with the Chinese.
  8. Where has Trump been sending "troops"? What branch?
  9. Reading through Transplant's posts it appears that he is void of any humor. Humor as we all know is often a way to get messages across without being an ass. It seems as if he hasn't figured that out yet.
  10. That's not how it works. Since when have the dems ever truthfully labelled themselves or any of their programs honestly? The Affordable Care Act? Fairness Doctrine? Antifa? They always try to hide their true beliefs/intentions by giving them a label opposite of what they are.
  11. Victoria Brownworth #MaskUp @VABVOX Just remember that the folks who want you to take a drug that has been shown to have dangerous side effects and little efficacy are the same folks who said older Americans had to die to re-open the economy & a death rate of 3 in 100 school kids is negligible. #Hydroxychloroquine 8:25 PM · Jul 27, 2020 @BillStimeWhy would you quote something so patently untrue?
  12. black lives matter morphed into Black Lives Matter with the participation of Antifa and other Marxist organizations. black lives matter was compatible with all lives matter while Black Lives Matter is the frontman for Antifa.
  13. No, they can't be enemies, not when they vote en masse to impeach him for obviously made up charges.
  14. Yet you still come down here to see if you are up to the task. You should go back to your peers at the kiddie table.
  15. Every time you post here you get sent packing because you simply are not up to the task of logically discussing anything.
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