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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I raised my daughter alone from the time she was 9 years old so I'm a little more familiar than I ever expected to be with the idiosyncrasies of teenage girls.
  2. You're the one denigrating the trade deals and I asked you to explain why. So, your explanation is to ask me to describe them to you? That's not the way it works.
  3. What's your point? Looks like his teenage daughter is showing him some affection. That's a good thing.
  4. No, Trump is not much of a fiscal conservative but he holds many other conservative values such as a strong defense, border security, fair trade and strong adherence to the Constitution. Until China made a sneak attack on our country Trump's policies had our economy going very strong. He's the best bet to get us out of this China induced recession and bring back the best economic numbers for decades. So, tell us here just why Trump's trade deals are smoke and mirrors. Be specific.
  5. In other words, you can't take the heat. You made wild inaccurate statements and of course were unable to back them up. You're a drive-by poster who can't shoot straight.
  6. Bull Buchanon is a poorly disguised alias for Baghdad Bob.
  7. Your horseshit post was not worth taking apart piece by piece. If you want a real conversation then tidy up your writing/grammar and then back it up with something other than your partisan speculation.
  8. The clueless one is you. There is a gigantic difference between Universal Mail-In Voting and absentee voting. Learn the difference, but don't feel bad in doing so. Not much was expected of you.
  9. Next time either proofread your voice generated type or don't use it. It was painful reading your inaccurate talking points punctuated by the wrong words and misspellings. Also, you might want to provide some links for your horseshit claims. Be better.
  10. So, people who want the government to leave them alone and not give them anything are naturally racist and somehow are depriving the moochers from their mooch?
  11. As if you went to high school. Sometimes you make a real funny.
  12. I asked for directions to Frankfort not to Moscow.
  13. Kambree @KamVTV · 10h If being black in the United States is a disadvantage, why did Barack Obama run on being the first black president? If being white in the United States is an advantage, why did Elizabeth Warren pretend to be an Indian her whole life?
  14. Why do politics need to be brought into a medical discussion? What's up with that avatar? Makes a person think that you have a problem with our country.
  15. I couldn't care any less about the NBA if I tried. Let the teams all relocate to China and change their names to the Shanghai Kneelers and the Wuhan Bats.
  16. I Traveled through several PA counties including Erie, Warren, McKean and Forest and the NY counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus in the last week. While I saw hundreds of Trump signs I only saw 3 Biden signs. Granted, those were mostly rural or small towns but even so, the enthusiasm disparity is great.
  17. Stop and think what it would be like if Biden would actually win. Biden's mental condition guarantees that someone or someones else will be calling the shots. The possibilities of palace intrigue are endless. How involved will the VP be in the daily running of the administration? The cabal that Biden is sure to have that will be fighting for power will have to recognize that VP Black Lady could very well become POTUS. Yes, more scheming than a whole season of a reality Survivor show.
  18. I'm not going to judge you since the Bible clearly states to not judge other people lest you be judged. So, I'm not going to call you a shameless disgusting person for your continued blasphemy.
  19. No imagination. Now this is a link: Or is it what many people in Caddyshack thought was a Tootsie Roll?
  20. I thought the mark of the beast was going to be a little more permanent than a piece of cloth.
  21. Seriously, why do you think the dems or Joe Biden aren't holding any large rallies?
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