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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. So, providing poor brown kids shelter and protection from slavers is somehow not Christian? You lawyers can twist anything. You poor lawyers can twist anything poorly.
  2. I heard that a woman called Christine Blasey Ford recently had a repressed memory come to light. Many years ago while in her Brownie uniform, some guy named Donnie J. and his sidekick Jeff took her and her whole troop to somewhere they called Girl Scout Island and sexually molested them for two days. Chrissy added that all she got out of the trip was a cheap t-shirt that had "My First Jamboree" on it.
  3. That was never asked of me. Why don't you explain to me how Cohen accessed Trump campaign funds to pay off people?
  4. Supposedly Cohen was his bagman. What did Cohen have to do with his campaign or campaign funds?
  5. What with all of the companies finding that they can reduce their onsite employees in NYC (and other cities) the restaurant and bar business and other service industries are going to be hurt, especially in Manhattan. I've read that Amazon is snooping around Midtown for massive office space. The only reason (IMO) that they would be doing this is because of the high vacancy rates and lower rent.
  6. Makes me want to "Skateaway" from watching hockey. Mark my words, the major sports league are the ones that will be hurt the most with all of this pandering.
  7. No it is not illegal for a public figure to pay someone to keep their mouth shut. Again, no he didn't claim that he did it, he claimed that he could do it and get away with it because he was a famous person.
  8. Amazon was offered 2.8 billion in tax breaks and the jobs reportedly averaged 150k a year. As I'm sure you are aware tax breaks are a universal way of incentivizing companies to locate in certain locations. I don't believe that there was any cash up front for Amazon but there could have been infrastructure improvements to public lands, etc. that Amazon would need to open shop.
  9. @RealKayAdams "100% in agreement here, but I have a comparative opinion of Trumponomics that is not so flattering for President Trump, either. I take Obama’s last 12 quarters and Trump’s first 12 quarters when making this economic comparison because that keeps the analysis the furthest removed from the Great Recession and Covid-19. Using standard economic sources (NBER, BEA, BLS), I rate Trump as better on consumer confidence, about the same as Obama with unemployment decline rate and stock market growth rate and net job growth and cost-of-living-adjusted wages/income and GDP (Trump originally over-promised quarterly 5% but never got much above 3%), and worse with import/export trade balance and budget deficits/national debt (but like I said earlier, I don’t get worked up over this one like deficit hawks do)." I think you have discounted the way improvements tend to get harder to attain the closer one gets to the best scenario. Let's say that 100 is the goal. It's pretty easy to go from 0 to 50 and fairly easy to go from 50 to 75 and so on. When trying to go from 95 to 100 it is generally quite difficult. Trump was operating in the 95-100 range in the stock market, growth rate and unemployment rate. Comparing Obama's statistics to Trump's on a straight line basis is just wrong. Look at it this way: it's a lot easier for a new football coach to take a team that was 2-14 to an 8-8 record than it is for him to take a team that was 8-8 to a 14-2 record.
  10. Listen, having the government mail ballots to everyone they can get an address for, dead or alive, is not conducive to clean elections. The dems have been pushing this along with ballot harvesting for some time now. It is not the same as absentee voting.
  11. Are either of the highlighted above illegal? That's a crockofshit CNN article slanted in such a way that it is not legitimate. Unnamed sources, eh?
  12. Don't laugh. We have a Mennonite right here on this board who posts mainly in Sabrespace and in the shoutbox. He has his own airplane.
  13. This forum is designed to talk politics. There are many instances of mail-in ballots being fraudulent. The dems have been trying to get mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting laws on the books for years. Simply put, why? There is a procedure for asking for an absentee ballot. Why is that not sufficient?
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