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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Seems like Crayola & Section8 have been playing musical chairs with the 3rd chair. Has anyone ever seen them both at the same time and place?
  2. Who got suspended?

  3. Well, it would appear that they didn't do you any good, eh? I've noticed that you liberals seem to value such things as degrees as accomplishments rather than deeds. A degree is nice but all it does is open the door.
  4. Maybe you should go back to the classroom. It doesn't seem like English is your first language.
  5. Looks like you've run out of periods too. You and Tiberius, so much alike. He misses his periods often also.
  6. How many times does he get to lose it when it's apparent it hasn't been around for some time?
  7. english? Hint: hold the "shift" key down so that you can actually capitalize "English".
  8. And I thought "Trumpy Bears" were only fake.
  9. WTF are you talking about? Answer my question as a follow-up to your claim that Trump used campaign funds to pay off women that he had sex with. Michael Cohen allegedly was Trump's bagman and paid off those women. How did Michael Cohen have access to Trump campaign funds?
  10. You don't live near water? Oh, I forgot you live in California.
  11. And it was a step he really didn't have. I think 4mer might have hit it on the head so to speak. It was a while back when 4mer discovered that Rogaine if used too often along with Just For Men, destroys brain cells.
  12. No, they'll put their "moms" up front. We'd better get it on soon though before they get the idea of putting children and babies out front to protect them.
  13. FIFY. Don't be so modest. It's been fun to see tv reporters claim BREAKING NEWS and then realize that you've known about it for years. You need real help. This is not the normal random insult to an idiot. I'm serious.
  14. Good old John. He used to post here at PPP fairly regularly but at 3:00 am. Even his words were wobbly. One wouldn't know he was a writer except for his capacity to drink.
  15. I know the answer but it still amazes me that there is no hue and cry over the way Biden is choosing his V.P. candidate. I don't personally believe that any one of those potential running mates are capable of taking over for a person who is not presidential material himself.
  16. I think you're confusing that with the Straight Outta Compton Housewives.
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