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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Great work. While Europe has only 28% of the total cases that we have they have tested 71% of the amount of people that we have tested. Deaths and population are basically the same. Europe has a much higher death rate per discovered cases. It would seem that there is an inconsistency in the testing parameters themselves. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that Europe is using test kits from China that are unreliable.
  2. it's sometimes appropriate to post the sameshit in more than one thread. You do it all the time though and it's not cool. You are also crusading by posting your TDS in every thread.
  3. @LB3 is right. You exemplify the guy with all hat and no cattle. Quit bragging. I guess he was just a regular Nostradamus.
  4. Actually the federal response was mostly good and the mobilization to beef up our PPE supply and ventilators was phenomenal. The pre-positioning of hospital ships was a good move. Trump's early shutting down of travel was appropriate and saved many lives. Most people don't realize it but prior to shutting down travel from China, 20,000 people a day were traveling to the USA from there. If that wasn't done early on we would have had a tremendous initial outbreak that would have been hard to quell. The ignorance mainly came from governors with a pinch thrown in by Dr. Fauci. Wolf, Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsome etc. either became dictators or just came up with directives that made no sense. Certain governors failed to get their citizens behind them by treating them like subjects. Constitutionally it is the individual states duty to handle the virus in their states. The feds insured that supplies were adequate and gave advice and guidelines. You are right, the MSM and the Left hate Trump to such an extent that everything Trump did or did not do was/is blasted.
  5. Cohen actually paid off Stormy from his own funds and the National Enquirer bought exclusive rights to the story that Karen McDougal was peddling. Cohen plead guilty to a trumped up campaign violations charge for consideration of a reduced sentencing on his taxi medallion and other charges. Now, that's off the top of my head. You may Google and find other stuff to conflate the issue but the bottom line is that Cohen was an unsavory fellow who got personally in trouble with the law, and used his connections to Trump to throw shade on him in order to help out a shady prosecution. You need to post less and learn more.
  6. Looks like she was caught just in the nip of time.
  7. You'll do it because you either agree with me or you're afraid of the consequences.
  8. That's crossing the line. Best thing you can do is to delete this post.
  9. I don't really think this country would suffer if you left. It would be interesting for you to test the theory though.
  10. You or I have no right to see his tax returns. I assume he turned them into the IRS and I'm as equally sure that they went over them with a fine tooth cob. You're just babbling.
  11. To open or not to open? That is the question. On the one hand every time I open one of your links I find the story you're trying to tell is false. Since you have no credibility what's a fella to do?
  12. You have to understand @Tiberius. For years he railed against reigning in child slave traders by separating them from their captors. He's now changing his tune, not for reasons of humanity but for reasons of politics. He was for allowing forced pedophilia before he was against it. Does that include the billion dollar organization that he built?
  13. So, the countries that do little testing are handling the virus much better because they don't have many confirmed cases? You're like a cat and I have the laser pointer.
  14. Clown. Since it's well written I know you just copied and pasted it. You didn't credit anyone for their work. That is against the TOS here and makes you a plagiarist.
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