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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Kemp/Tiberius, caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Do you think either one of them will respond to either one of us now that they've been caught? I say they're too chickenshit to do so.
  2. Poland has historically been the gateway to Western Europe for those to the East. Putting our troops there is a big middle finger to Putin. If Russia didn't have nukes they wouldn't be a player. Their economy is the size of Texas's.
  3. Whoa Nellie, I guess this guy isn't black. Joe Biden must have been right.
  4. If not the Navy hospital ship maybe the field hospital at the Javits Center, eh? Trump handed Cuomo (The Butcher of Albany) & DeBlasio a walk off home run and they managed to mess that up and kill thousands of people.
  5. AM or PM? See that dial on the top Joe? That's your horizontal hold function, if that doesn't work move the rabbit ears around a little.
  6. More from that link: "The sentence is sanctioned under the habitual offender law, Johnson noted in her dissent, meaning that Bryant's previous criminal history supports the sentence. Bryant was convicted in 1979 for attempted armed robbery, in 1987 for possession of stolen things, attempted forgery of a check worth $150 in 1989 and for simple burglary of an inhabited dwelling in 1992, all before his 1997 arrest for the failed attempt at stealing the hedge clippers." You should just call this Joe Biden's Way. This kindofshit is what he championed along with the well known pedophile Bill Clinton. While Trump succeeded in getting prison reform passed, Barack & Joe sat on their hands. Just think, you are supporting the guy who claims he was the cause of the sentencing above while at the same time excorciating Trump, the guy who fought against this. Have you no shame?
  7. Simply put, every one of your points is a lie. When a person has to lie to try to make their point they're basically admitting that they don't have a point. Whenever your lies have been pointed out to you and proven to be not truthful you just ignore the facts and continue spewing yourshit.
  8. You dems can't get looting out of your minds, eh? As far as the amount of deleted posts by the gatekeepers it seems strange that 18 of the 20 FB censors have connections to George Soros, doesn't it?
  9. I always doubted that Q-Baby was even human but I guess there's something called de-evolution.
  10. Your reach should always be further than your grasp. This is simply the new social distancing non digital prostate exam and three pointer test. Make it and you get a contract. Don't make it and you still might get a shot as a point guard as long as you don't over dribble.
  11. How many do you have? Please tell us that you have no children and your line will die with you.
  12. Once again you have misrepresented what the article actually claimed. Why is it necessary to makeshitup to make your point? One can only surmise that you can't find any legitimate complaints.
  13. That's too subtle. I'm trying to reach the dems idiots too.
  14. If I remember correctly Franken ended up behind by several hundred votes on election day. There was a recount and Franken votes kept appearing until they had enough for him to win. Something similar happened in Arizona with Sinema.
  15. Now you've gone and done it. You said that the death rate for cardiovascular patients was about the same as the death rates for Covid. You then went on to say that there are approximately 850,000 cardiovascular deaths per year. I used your figure and clearly speculated on the figure for Covid deaths. Was I wrong in stating that you must have figured on 850,000 Covid deaths if the death rate was going to be similar between Cardiovascular deaths and Covid deaths? It's odd that you would call my claims manure when I got the information I used from you.
  16. While that works it doesn't remind people of his draconian orders to basically exterminate the elderly. While both of the alternatives work they might not be understood by people like Tiberius, BillSlime and 3rd Chair. Oh, and Kemp too.
  17. Well, if it's so apropos we should all use it not only at PPP but in all other social media that we use. Maybe it'll catch on.
  18. The Butcher of Albany was able to send 6 times more people to their death than Desantis.
  19. While cardiovascular annual deaths are at .257%, if we end up with 200,000 covid deaths we'll be at .061%. It seems like yes, there is a difference.
  20. If Jonathan Seagull gets a stimulus check how likely will it be for him to get a mail-in ballot sent to him?
  21. It's "bungle" you fool. Now, what did Trump do or not do to make the pandemic worse? Don't tell me what he said, talk about his actions.
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