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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Covid-19 is found to be contagious!
  2. Something for all to ponder: For what purpose would Russia/Iran/China want Trump to win another term? He has been tougher on those three countries than any president in recent memory. If you respond to this post do so in a reasoned, factual manner. Use common sense and facts to make your point. Memes and Lefty bullet points mean that you lack critical thinking skills and are easily duped.
  3. Once again you post something that clearly is not backing up your claims.
  4. That's like claiming the Obama administration was squeaky clean with no arrests for corruption. No they were corrupt as hell but the administration refused to prosecute anyone unless they were their political opponents.
  5. Nothing compares to her orders to prevent Michigan residents from isolating themselves in their 2nd homes/cottages/camps in the Upper Peninsula while simultaneously allowing out-of-state people to go to their 2nd homes there. Oh, and banning fishing from motorized boats while allowing it from non motorized boats.
  6. Democrats are doing what they always do. They hold any bills hostage and then blame others for the bill not getting passed. In reality they want to either blame the Republicans for the non passage or get a bunch of their goodies into the bill that would never get approved under non emergency circumstances.
  7. What a shame Obama & Biden didn't do anything about prison reform. Then again Obama never was a president that cared about getting U.S. citizens or servicemen out of foreign or domestic prisons.
  8. I suppose the above are facts, eh?
  9. You truly are a clown. Trump has been tougher on Russia than any president since Reagan. Moving troops to Poland from Germany, killing 300 Russian mercenaries in Syria, imposing sanctions and boosting NATO spending are just a few of them. So, blaming China for the virus is inaccurate and closing a Chinese spy center in Houston was wrong?
  10. Why do you continue to perpetuate these lies? There is not a scintilla of proof that the USA was aware of the virus back in November of 2019. In addition, Trump only eliminated a duplication of people that were hidden away in the NSA by Obama. We've gone over this numerous times in the past but you obviously are incapable of learning anything that doesn't match your preconceived opinions.
  11. Oh c'mon man, Benghazi Rice? That's so 2012 like. She's not White Rice or even Brown Rice. Maybe Dirty Rice?
  12. Thanks for pointing this out. We really need to have an uproar over this to hide the little faux pas over a former president taking tens of trips to the pedophile island as a guest of a known pervert.
  13. C'mon guys. Have him go on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney with Scalia's guide.
  14. Don't laugh, but have you ever thought about Delaware? RE taxes are ridiculously low, no state income tax and normally nothing more than a dusting of snow if that, in the winter. I have a relative who has a beach home there at the mouth of the Delaware River and it's oceanside, without the larger waves.
  15. It's much easier when you post as Section8. All he does is type "fake news" or "hoax" and then make up some list to put you on.
  16. I presume, with that attitude you have no concern with the murders in Chicago?
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