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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Paul Drake is black. The jokes on you.
  2. BTW, there is a new Perry Mason series on HBO--it's not bad.
  3. Dear Tiffany: Don't worry, the cops stationed in the schools will protect you. Oh, you say they've been defunded?
  4. FIFY. It's Democrat, certainly not democratic.
  5. What, his forehead didn't social distance from a rock?
  6. Someone needs to explain to them that two wrongs don't make a right.
  7. Unless I'm somehow reading that chart wrong it would appear that "new math" is being used to calculate the percentage of deaths. In the 85 and older group 2716 deaths out of 13075 is not 33%, nor would it work for that many deaths vs hospitalizations.
  8. You mean like the tried and true absentee ballot normal standards?
  9. Didn't that eviction provision include only federally subsidised housing?
  10. Horseshit. Instead of determining the package by dollar amount it should be determined by what needs to be accomplished. We don't need to give the dems money for a bunch of pet projects and financing NYS & CA foolish spending.
  11. The only way Putin could even try to approach world supremacy is to bring back the Soviet Union. Russia's economy is the size of the Texas economy and it's too energy dependent for its income. A one trick pony so to speak. There is no conceivable reason that Putin should prefer Trump over Biden.
  12. Tell us, in as coherent a manner as you can why Putin wants to help Trump? What advantage to Putin is a Trump presidency over a Biden presidency? I'm betting that you won't be able to make any kind of a solid case.
  13. Not a chance. He promised he'd pick a woman.
  14. It says a lot that people think Rice and Harris have more baggage than Warren The Scold.
  15. Who released Covid-19 on the world? China did it deliberately and there's a good chance that one of the reasons they did it was to get rid of Trump. Why? Because they want a weak U.S. President. Do you really want a Joe Biden handling our affairs?
  16. Steeling? You're an idiot. More importantly, you're a CRUSADER, just throwing as muchshit as you find around because you have a severe case of TDS.
  17. Yes, you are correct, IMO. OTOH there are no discernible reasons for China, Russia and Iran to want Trump to win.
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