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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You didn't respond to my comment. My comment(s) referred to your disdain for others by denigrating our collective abilities to understand a court proceeding. It's almost as if you think we need you to interpret those proceedings for us. The references to a Medieval priest and Latin were just examples that may have just went over your head. I hope this post makes it clearer for you. If I ever decide to respond to you again I'll do my best to make it simple.
  2. You sound like a priest in Medieval times. Was it in Latin?
  3. I didn't even know you were ever pregnant.
  4. Just goes to show you how difficult orphanages are to find when they have to settle on The Ronald McDonald House.
  5. As a former prosecutor and AG she should know to not jump to conclusions one way or the other.
  6. The proper way to pronounce Kamala Harris's name is "Kumala" Harris.
  7. Some people don't care a wit about human/child trafficking. Some of those people are no doubt pedophiles themselves.
  8. I thought you liked bottoms? Or is this just a head fake because you are a bottom yourself?
  9. All Seattle, Portland and others have to do is to raise the minimum wage again. That's bound to work.
  10. Ben Sasse, 2nd generation Maverick not thinking things through clearly.
  11. It's called not rewarding mismanagement and making others pay for their greed and malfeasance.
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