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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. @KempMy immediate thought after reading your disgusting post was to tell you that I had lost all respect for you. It then occurred to me that you had already met that threshold quite some time ago. You have my utmost disdain.
  2. I want to see him disbarred and spend some substantial hard time.
  3. What was it, 24 cops for three shifts of watching already dried paint get weathered?
  4. His present screen name would indicate that he was here before but it was under a different name very closely related to 3rd Chair's name. He was widely considered the best troller on the site. His schtick then was to catch a newbee unawares and have them believe something preposterous. I think he may have gone over the line and got banned and returned sometime later with an alias that frankly speaking is a decent poster, but nowhere near as humorous as the old persona. He can't carry @*&$#@!)(&^%'s jock strap. See my PM.
  5. While I am reluctant to quote Slime's Fox poll above I must admit I did take a quick look at it. What jumped out at me was Trump's favorable rating (38%) and unfavorable rating of 60% just a couple of days before his election in 2016. Seems like something just doesn't compute.
  6. Completely devoid of facts but full of outrage and feelings.
  7. It's not as intriguing as that. I don't want to wax on but he's simply Crayola64's colored cousin from some time ago.
  8. The entire region has to streamline the process for permitting in order for it get a leg up over the competition. Make it as attractive as they can.
  9. I can see how one of those mutterings could be confused for the other.
  10. The KamalaVirus sucks much more. I heard it on the radio but not sure I heard it correctly-------------------something about chrome off a trailer hitch.
  11. Back in 2016 there were many people not sure that if Trump won if he would tank the economy, start wars or ban abortions or not. There was a great bit of uncertainty about him and I believe that there were many votes that went against him because of that uncertainty. Well, in 2020 the downside has been taken away. I doubt that there are many people who honestly and legitimately fear what he might do on a macro basis that would harm this country. It's come down to a battle between his policies vs the extent that the Left can paint him as some kind of traitor, puppet of Putin and Seducer-In-Chief.
  12. The criticism here of DeBlasio is just plain unfair! Didn't he do his best when he ordered a curfew in NYC in order to quell rioting and looting? Just because he set the curfew at 11:00 pm when the rioting typically commenced at 9:00 pm doesn't mean he didn't try.
  13. If you weren't going to refer at all to my comments then why did you respond to me?
  14. There's more to the Barbara Billingsley story than you may know:
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