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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Au contraire, I was there and it wasn't an ice storm, it was a dusting of snow.
  2. HAHA Gator, you are on a fool's errand.Do you not realize that the premise of the above article/statistics is false? You are comparing actual votes in 2016 to a poll in 2020. It's a given that the polls today are slanted heavily to make Trump look bad. Come up with an identical poll from 2016 and compare that with today's poll. It still may not take into account the slanted way these polls are done but it should be closer. Keep believing Trump is losing though.
  3. Going further with "Heels Up Harris" has never been an issue.
  4. Simply put, he's a dem and lying is in their DNA. Years ago it didn't use to be this way but something happened and now lying is how they disguise their beliefs/intentions. You notice it with Gleeful Gator because he's is so bad at it. One would think that he'd be better at it with so much practice but if a person practices bad form then that's what they'll get.
  5. Snow and ice is like comparing apples to pipe wrenches. I have no recollection of this and I lived in Ventura at the time.
  6. God Bless you for your efforts. My 90 something mother has dementia and was recently diagnosed with cancer. She is cognizant enough to be able to have made a reasoned decision to not accept any inordinate efforts to keep her alive. The cancer is the type that makes it impossible for her to consume anything other than liquids. She will eventually starve to death, most likely before the cancer kills her. My siblings and I are fortunate that the extent of the dementia seems to have been limited to severe short term memory loss. Her spirits are good and she is very thankful for visitors even if she doesn't remember who they are. I'm personally thankful for my sister who has taken care of her for the last so many years and had the foresight to make suitable living arrangements a few years back. We are in the beginning stages of Hospice care and alternate between the sadness of our pending loss and the celebration of an exemplary life lived. I can understand your desire that the despicable Kemp would have to experience even a small fraction of what you are going through. Stop and think though, would you want to have him taking care of anyone, much less a person who really can't handle day-to-day issues for themselves? Kemp denigrated you for being the primary caregiver for your mother. His comments were so off the mark that he deserves whatever he gets here. I hope it's a lot.
  7. Many years ago when I was at Fort Gordon in Georgia it technically snowed. Somewhere between a "dusting" and 1/4". Locals panicked and I even saw some putting chains on their vehicles. How they even had chains in the first place was a mystery.
  8. It's the Left's same old way of conflating two very different things. Much like calling illegal immigrants just plain immigrants.
  9. You should. Both are excellent and are pure comedy without the silliness of Blazing Saddles.
  10. So that political intercourse is not performed on TSW. BTW, the dems are masters of the slight of hand and their MO is accusing their opponents of doing what they are actually doing. They also come up with some pretty inventive names for their programs. Affordable Care Act comes to mind along with The Fairness Doctrine.
  11. Are you getting Tiberius to ghost write your responses? You should stick to the football side of this board.
  12. FIFY. I thought maybe Transplant wrote this. I've had utter amazement over some breasts but never over an udder. udder NOUN the mammary gland of female cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and related animals, having two or more teats and hanging between the hind legs of the animal.
  13. How about we do whatever we can to make sure that we have fair elections with only qualified voters casting a vote? Are you for that or are you a proponent of ballot harvesting and party hacks collecting and/or paying for votes?
  14. Did you ever change your mind? If so, you chose poorly.
  15. FIFY. Mirror mirror on the wall......................................................
  16. The issue isn't entirely whether or not she was screwing a married man (although it is important) but that she was screwing a guy to get a head start in her career. Willie Brown arranged for her to sit on different commissions for 5 years for a total of 400k. I wonder if those commissions met more than once a month?She's the perfect example of someone who slept their way to the top and is an embarrassment to her gender.
  17. Well, you do reside in the cafeteria, Doris.
  18. How can anyone take you seriously after a comment like that?
  19. Trump will goad Biden into numerous blunders and possibly losing his temper.
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