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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The premise is flawed. Reputation scores only started a couple of years ago, so if you are somewhat new you have an advantage. Also, if you are active on TSW you can post a funny joke or meme and get a high number of reputation scores.
  2. Is that a rule of just a scattering of states? NYS allows a viable human being to be chopped up or pulled apart right up to exiting the womb. In other states this would be illegal but is just immoral in NYS.
  3. So did these guys, you simpleton:
  4. Hmmmn. They're both puppets and Joe has stated that he likes to have people sit on his lap. I wonder if Walter makes the hair on Joe's legs stand up?
  5. Companies I'm familiar with take the position of making conditions/pay good enough so that there is no need for a union. By law, no company can prevent the formation of a union.
  6. I don't think that the pro life stance will do anything more than somewhat solidify the base. It's certainly not going to change many minds. The Left had a winning issue when abortion was "safe legal and rare". They lost this issue when they actually celebrated ending the lives of babies that hadn't as of yet exited the womb even though they could almost read and write.
  7. I think that you may be either not getting the news or getting it way too late up there in Wasilla. Kushner is not an idiot like some of the people Trump originally hired. Progress has been made in the ME due to his efforts. Bannon was never a team player and Sessions was eventually replaced with a far superior AG. Early on in Trump's administration he ended up with people who were not loyal to him and had their own agenda. It took some time to weed them out and sometimes he had to replace a position multiple times but things have settled down and I think he has a damned good team now.
  8. Don't see why. Tiberius said it was simply micro surgery and not only did he not feel anything at all but he can't tell the difference now.
  9. Now that's some real extrapolation! On September 11, 2001 approximately 3000 people of all walks lost their lives in the matter of basically 2 hours. That's about 36,000 people per day. If we were to have lost that many people per day throughout the length of the war with Japan we would have lost 48,528, 000 people. This means nothing but is about as pertinent as your comparisons. Reminder--------------------this is not the Kiddie Table down here and horseshit posts don't fly.
  10. These people somehow give credence to the naysayers.
  11. Not to tip toe around anything but does this have anything to do with the John F. Kennedy Center funding?
  12. The Left are masters at disguising their goals. Black Lives Matter is Marxist, plain and simple. When they say "black lives matter" they simply are conflating BLM with blm in order to make it sound different than what it really is. Remember the Affordable Care Act & The Fairness Doctrine? Classic Lefty feints.
  13. From your link: Several dozen right-wing demonstrators, some waving the Confederate battle flag and many wearing military gear, gathered in downtown Stone Mountain where they faced off against a few hundred counterprotesters, many of whom wore shirts or carried signs expressing support for the Black Lives Matter movement. People in both groups carried rifles. For several hours, there was little visible police presence and things were largely peaceful, aside from some shoving and pushing and spirited arguments. But just before 1 p.m., fights broke out, with people punching and kicking each other and throwing rocks. That's when police officers in riot gear moved in to disperse the crowds. By 2 p.m., almost all of the protesters had left the area. What was your point again?
  14. At first you post something so disgusting that the entire board despises you. You then come back and double down on the insults and add more. Is there some kind of gene in you Lefties that also make you nasty asswholes?
  15. For someone who doesn't link to any real facts, you ask a lot of other people.
  16. BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden just revealed his plans to fight the China virus. Basically he is going to do everything that Trump has done but change the name of the China virus to Covid-19. Oh, and tell everyone they need to wear a mask for the next 3 months even though he has no authority now, or in the odd event that his supporters can get enough of the previously alive people to vote him into office. Inauguration day would be in about 5 months.
  17. Yes, he's an idiot. This statement by him "the rest of the world is almost back to living normal lives while americans can't even go on vacation" is the ultimate in ignorance. Many other countries are doing and have done much worse than us. In fact, many are having a resurgence of the China virus.
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