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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Sharyl Attkisson Sarah Carter Kimberley A. Strassel I wonder if anyone will pick up on this?
  2. You mean you can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink?
  3. One more time: Putting it in the proper light, Trump is willing to take the heat for the partial shutdown in order to fulfill his duty to protect the American people. In addition, he is doing his level best to thwart the child/sex slavery rings and proliferation of illegal drug smuggling. In the meantime Pelosi and Schumer are doing the utmost to make Trump cave so that it has political implications 2 years from now. He can own the shutdown and still be considered as taking one for the American people. What's more important, part of the government shut down or America's safety?
  4. Once again: Putting it in the proper light, Trump is willing to take the heat for the partial shutdown in order to fulfill his duty to protect the American people. In addition, he is doing his level best to thwart the child/sex slavery rings and proliferation of illegal drug smuggling. In the meantime Pelosi and Schumer are doing the utmost to make Trump cave so that it has political implications 2 years from now.
  5. When Gleeful Gator sides with you, it's the equivalent of getting Last Rights.
  6. It is obvious that you have not kept up with things and still want to discuss or argue with one hand tied behind your back. The above, outlined in red has been undressed here many times. If you are worthy of an intelligent debate you should have known this. I don't blame DR for giving up on you. He's had a lot more patience with your moronic take on things than I would have had. Regardless, I second DR's motion. ***** off.
  7. Sharp answer with a double bladed rapier like wit.
  8. Can bills from one session hold over to the next session? I know Schumer blocked that vote in the Senate but that was before 1-3-19.
  9. Nobody knows who was responsible for the attack. With all the different players in the area there has to be more intrigue than there was in Casablanca during WW11.
  10. Putting it in the proper light, Trump is willing to take the heat for the partial shutdown in order to fulfill his duty to protect the American people. In addition, he is doing his level best to thwart the child/sex slavery rings and proliferation of illegal drug smuggling. In the meantime Pelosi and Schumer are doing the utmost to make Trump cave so that it has political implications 2 years from now.
  11. I think the two of them will be facing a conundrum. Perjury or admit to lying.
  12. ***** ***** Fagget Close enough.
  13. Trump bad. Trump bad. Trump bad.
  14. So, the Republicans voted unanimously to condemn Representative King while the Democrats refused to do so. Damn racist party, those dems.
  15. Read the headline, then read the short article to the end. Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence calls out fake Twitter quote praising fast food at White House http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb/clemson-qb-trevor-lawrence-calls-out-fake-twitter-quote-praising-fast-food-at-white-house/ar-BBSilUh?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=HPCOMMDHP15 An image of Lawrence with a quote attached was posted on Twitter by @CloydRivers, an account with 1.84 million followers. The headline over the image read, "Clemson QB speaks out to defend America." The quote attached to Lawrence's image read: "President Trump got all our favorite foods, it was the best meal we ever had. Then we go and see the coastal elite media trashing it for not being organic vegan. We're football players, not bloggers. This was a perfect blue collar party." Lawrence wrote on his unverified Twitter account that the words were not his. "I never said this by the way... I don’t know where it came from. However the trip to the White House was awesome!" Lawrence tweeted. _________________________________________________________________________________________ In a video published by TMZ Sports, Lawrence said he enjoyed the meal. "It was awesome," he said. "We had McDonald's and everything. It was good."
  16. Of course she'll serve her 6-year term. She won't win the presidency.
  17. He has great name recognition and has won the Cliff Claven Award three years running, but also was voted the person you would least like to get stuck in an elevator with.
  18. He made up for it with his free commercials for "The Villages".
  19. One thing I've heard starting to come up again is the dems stating that they aren't going to allow a 2000 mile wall. For a year or so Trump has been saying he wants about 700 miles. Are the dems bringing up the 2000 mile wall position so they can cave but say they got Trump to cave on the amount of wall?
  20. I don't need no stinkin exploratory committee. I'm throwing my hat in the ring and the hell with the rest of you. Kinky Koko and Transitioning Tom won't last till their next periods.
  21. So, your way of ridiculing Tom is to call him a woman? Nice move.
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