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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Let's see what the Border Patrol has to say. They are the experts and know what is really needed. I'm sure you don't have a problem with that, do you?
  2. He misspelled Crayola.
  3. My son-in-law can't afford to buy a house but can pick up carry-out and get his coffee from Starbucks nearly every day.
  4. I posted the website of Dave Ramsey, a radio host that teaches people how to get out of debt and save money. It's basically sacrifice early on in life so that you aren't a slave to debt and interest.
  5. Our servicemen never "lost" a battle in Vietnam. Our country lost a war because of hippies and a spineless government. Now, whether we should have ever been in that war is another question.
  6. For those of you that live paycheck to paycheck you might want to pay a little attention to this guy: https://www.daveramsey.com/
  7. I spoke to a Native American group recently and casually mentioned a faux zoning issue as being a "red herring". I was lucky to get out of there without being scalped.
  8. Setting aside all the horseshit regarding promises and backtracking by both sides, let's identify what is important and what needs to be done. Is a barrier effective in securing our border? If so, where does it need to go? Do we need other border security measures? Is it the Presidents responsibility to do everything he can to secure the border? Do we have a child sex slavery crisis at our border? Do we have drug smuggling happening at our border? Do we have people trying to sneak across our border and blend into our country, whether its in a sanctuary city/state or not? Are some terrorists/criminals slipping in? When the above questions get answered then we can focus on what needs to be done rather than stick to silly positions. If we can agree that for the good of the country we need some barriers, then does it really matter that Trump claimed that Mexico would pay for the wall? If Mexico were to pay for the wall would it then be a moral wall? Why does it matter to Trump's opposition that the wall was a campaign promise? Either we need it or not. The discussion needs to be centered on the need for the wall rather than petty political positions to hurt Trump.
  9. "Graham has made not only a 180 degree turnaround but a 360 degree turnaround". Look out AOC, she's catching up to you.
  10. You sound like a Sour *****. You gotta be kidding me. K R A U T is censored?
  11. OK, I'll bite. Schumer is a lying scoundrel.
  12. Frankly speaking, dead or alive, you are still slightly dumber than a cabbage.
  13. I think of you as a good candidate to join the queue for the guillotine above but then again it hit me that, what difference would it make?
  14. A couple points: If half of illegal immigrants are visa overstays would you support severe penalties for all sanctuary cities and states that harbor them? Walls or fences would funnel people trying to cross the border into areas better patrolled by Border Patrol. They also prevent caravans from rushing the border. If you think there won't be sensors installed along the new walls to detect tunneling you're crazy. Walls to keep people out aren't the same as walls to keep people in.
  15. Sometime prior to 1-3-19.
  16. Be careful the dna for a cheese-eating monkey is very close to that of a sheep (black sheep, I think).
  17. So, you and The_Dude are now buddies?
  18. Eric, a thinker? I'll forgive you because you're relatively new, but please watch what you say. My keyboard does not act favorably to spittal. Eric's HS graduation picture:
  19. He's a glorified toll gate operator and Asian Carp crossing guard with cozy hours and a comfortable pay rate, while having a guaranteed job and pension. He's been sucking off the public teet so long that he has no comprehension of what it's like to actually have to perform for a living.
  20. Listen, if you want to scare them enough to not come to our border then do it right. They can get shot in their own country, but the guillotine would really make them think twice. Piker.
  21. So, you want to play dirty, eh? You are a Canadian. Drop mic, walk off stage and leave behind the bare semblance of a human being curled up in the corner with his pj's on drinking hot chocolate.
  22. It's called a double whammy.
  23. What, Trump arranged that $150,000,000 from the Russians to the Clinton Foundation?
  24. For the sake of brevity (or levity) you're simply a mother *****.
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