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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Sandals Barbados.
  2. Maybe we'll just make Canada pay tribute to us.
  3. You didn't question jackshit. You joined the perpetually fooled flock of sheep whose only existence is to supply the lemmings with the wool to put over their own eyes. You danced like no one was watching but got caught doing the "Elaine" at a high noon mass with your appetizer sized hot dog peeking out from your rolls of fat. Gleeful Gator laughs in the face of death----other people's death.
  4. Taking McDouche seriously is a waste of time. All he is good for is practicing trash talk.
  5. This is basically my take on it too. I doubt the dems will move enough (or at all) to keep him from declaring the emergency. Once he declares it he gets held up in court but the government has already been opened and the blame for no wall gets placed on the courts & dems. The key is how long it will take for the year old injunction (on DACA) to end up at the SCOTUS and for the expected injunctions coming out of his declaration of an emergency. Fun times ahead.
  6. Yourself. Is that your Prime Minister Peter Pan on the mothership?
  7. You spelled vessel wrong. You know, all those Canadian Ballet vessels that are ready to receive from red blooded American boys. (and at 70 cents on the dollar too)
  8. We'll possibly consider you as a Protectorate someday though. Oh wait, we protect your ass now.
  9. Yes, you are not America and it's unlikely we will give you statehood.
  10. Obviously republicans similar to the dead RINO John McCain have contributed to this crisis. It's time for the Trump backbone to encourage those on the Republican side to hold fast.
  11. The Left has given lip service to border security for years. They vote for a wall but refuse to actually appropriate money. We had a verbal agreement a year ago that would have fully funded the wall. The dems backed away when a ***** federal judge took Trump's leverage away. We had a compromise bill prior to 1-3-19 that would have gotten Trump's signature except Schumer blocked it in the Senate. People who have voted for border security in the past are now refusing to go along with it solely because of dem leadership (actually lack of leadership). Why are we at the place where we are at today? It's simple. The dems want to deny Trump a campaign promise in order to weaken him in 2020. It isn't just about a campaign promise with Trump. He knows about the tragedies happening there every day. Little girls and little boys are being smuggled and sold into a life of getting *****. Drugs are entering into our country by the truckload. Illegal aliens are not being vetted. We could have terrorists, diseased people or hardened criminals (including MS-13) coming in here. You say that this shutdown will set a precedent. That's just a silly canard. One side or the other will always get blamed for a shutdown but both sides are responsible for this shutdown. That's true with any shutdown for any reason. The public will eventually decide who they think was right.
  12. You didn't question jackshit. You joined the perpetually fooled flock of sheep whose only existence is to supply the lemmings with the wool to put over their own eyes. You danced like no one was watching but got caught doing the "Elaine" at a high noon mass with your appetizer sized hot dog peeking out from your rolls of fat. Gleeful Gator laughs in the face of death----other people's death.
  13. It has to be tough on your psyche to have such a dumb country as your daddy, eh?
  14. Now think about your response. You're glad that he didn't decide to stay in Canada? That's like looking forward to Gleeful Gator's next post.
  15. Swiss Army Phone.
  16. The Russian mob wanted more sanctions?
  17. Like Trump would cross up the Russian mob.
  18. Uh, like he has a choice?
  19. Who you gonna call?
  20. Have you not kept up with things? After listening to the "experts" advice some time ago Trump opted for the steel slats type fence. It can be seen through, small animals can pass from one side to the other and it would mitigate any possible flooding.
  21. Yes, Boyst sounds very French. Or did you mean you had a little Frenchie in you, and if so, that's TMI.
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