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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Nancy Pelosi is refusing to let POTUS have the STOTU speech on 1-29-19.
  2. Well, why don't you just point them out at the time?
  3. Addition by subtraction.
  4. So, you are asking Charlie Brown to trust Lucy just one more time? This precedent nonsense is just another dem manufactured talking point. Every shutdown in the past and in the future is caused by disagreements between the two chambers or the Executive branch.
  5. So, you acknowledge that the entire premise of this thread is wrong. A thread that you started and are not willing to apologize for your malfeasance?
  6. Yes, but then you say to give her what she wants because Trump said he'd own the shutdown. Let's not be so obtuse and do what's right rather than parse words to try to win some imaginary debate.
  7. Except Speaker Nancy is on record that there will be no negotiating on the wall. In other words she will not allow any funding for a wall. So, you expect Trump to give up any leverage he might have to get another continuing resolution that just pushes the issue down the road? We've pushed this issue down the road for decades because the dems don't want to settle the DACA issue because they need it for political purposes.
  8. Trump certainly bears a good deal of the responsibility for the shutdown, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The shutdown is giving us a new focus on border security including the wall. That's a good thing.
  9. Yes, let's get involved with vetoes and overrides over a continuing resolution for 3 weeks.
  10. No doubt it was the undercard.
  11. Thank God. I thought I was going to have to grab a few extra magazines and go out and do violence on this crappy day.
  12. You seem to have some expertise on the subject. Gleeful Gator skips periods on a regular basis. What can he do to correct that?
  13. That's not what he said but you know that. It was pointed out to you earlier in this thread but you continue to use wording that is not precise. He said he'd take the blame for a shutdown, not that he would be proud to shut the government down.
  14. Except sentiment is growing for the President's position. Nancy is losing by the hour and Trump is being seen as the reasonable one here. In fact, Trump has already figured a way out and his proposal is just that.
  15. Every ***** shutdown that we've ever had has been a disagreement amongst parties. Were they precedents? Listen, Nancy Pelosi had to satisfy the far left of her party in order to get the votes for Speaker. That is why she said no to the wall. She now has a hard time taking that back but does have a four year agreement preventing her party from throwing her out. She put herself in this spot and has to find a way out.
  16. Furthermore, all of you that have claimed that the Senate passed some bill 100-0 are fullofshit and are either stupid as hell or just flat out disingenuous. It was a voice vote about a cr.
  17. You say you are for walls but blame Trump for fighting for them. It's Trump's fault for the shutdown but not Pelosi's fault for refusing to negotiate? You're crusading.
  18. Words matter and precision is important. He said he'd be proud to take the blame, not proud to shut the government down. He's fighting for a principle, not politically maneuvering like Pelosi & Schumer. Again, anyone that has half a brain and has the real need of a wall explained to them are complicit in child sex slavery if they don't want a wall. How does it feel?
  19. Words matter. Trump: Nancy, if I agree to this 30 continuing resolution will you agree to negotiate on a wall within those 30 days? Nancy: No. Let there be no doubt that those opposed to a wall really don't give one flyingshit about children being smuggled across our border and sold into sex slavery. Illegal aliens in most cases don't care if they get caught. They're fine with "catch & release". Child smugglers don't get paid if they are caught and therefore need to secretly cross the border with their soon-to-be slaves. Walls funnel all people crossing the border into well patrolled areas where we have the ability to discern their intentions. We've been down this road before and don't want to get fooled again. Think of Lucy as the dems and Charlie Brown as the people that want the wall.
  20. Their unfunded pension obligations are enormous. The Trump economy helped their immediate needs but they are in deepshit long term.
  21. TH3 aka Baskin didn't bother to give us a video link to those boys misdeeds. I wonder why?
  22. Question is, will they ever see their pensions?
  23. Did you know that Gleeful Gator skips periods all the time? He accidently closed down embassies, sent Russkies back home and put sanctions on a bunch of other Russkies. What a bumbling fool.
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