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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Pretty much. While Bernie and Uncle Joe debate over who had a better bowel movement and the others you mention battle it out over who can push for a higher income tax rate, the little known Congressman Ilhan Omar will sneak in and win the Sharia Party's nomination and get endorsed by the Democrat Party, but losing in the general election to Trump who won 49 states. Michigan, for some strange reason was his only loss. Well, that and Lackawanna. Yes, I encourage you to follow his travel diary. He is a feather who thinks he's a heavyweight.
  2. You vastly underestimate the square footage of my house. As far as motivations go, out of the hundreds of thousand of border jumpers there's got to be a few thousand MS-13ers or otherwise nefarious people busting there way into our country.
  3. Ah, the Metamucil Debates.
  4. Well, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. How about one person breaking into my house vs. 1023 people jumping the border illegally?
  5. And the professors know this? How? You might as well just pass it by this guy:
  6. If you ever get in a fight with a Canadian just look for a moose and go around it and approach from the rear. The Canadian will be very close behind it. I mean very close behind it.
  7. He's challenging you to a version of Jeopardy with every subject "History". He doesn't think you are up to the challenge.
  8. It's just a few posts back on the prior page, responding to you.
  9. The_Dude making up for his new pledge to temper his racist rhetoric by endearing himself to other posters.
  10. No, it's all about the federal judges. If one hadn't ruled a year ago against Trump rescinding one of the Obama era rules (not even an Executive Order) unconstitutionally we wouldn't be in this place. Leftist federal judges are being phased out. The war was won on 11-8-16, the left just doesn't know it yet.
  11. It seems like all you nutjobs have forgotten one big thing. The makeup of federal judges has changed and will change even more in the next 2 years. The SCOTUS will most likely move to the right. Historically the left's fallback position has been the liberal courts. Because the left could do little legislatively they relied on their judges to muddy the waters and do their legislating for them. Well, those judges will soon be in a minority and to turn this country to the left you will need to do it the old fashioned way. You guys have won a battle or two but are in the process of losing the war. Good luck.
  12. They still need to explain away Seth Rich and the speed of the "hack".
  13. Oh, quit drumming up excuses for the former WW2 "Wind Talker".
  14. Don't be surprised what you might find here. There are experts in a myriad of areas that are capable of digging into something and coming up with plausible or rock solid evidence to prove a point. I don't doubt Tom one bit regarding the % of black slave holders. Over the years he has proven just anal enough to have figured that out from census figures. I say that both in jest and in sincerity. DR has set out a good case for the Deep State' misdeeds and DOJ and FBI malfeasance. Much of what we hear as breaking news today has been if not known here for months or more, a logical outcome. I have expertise in real estate development. I laugh at the Trump Tower Moscow allegations because I know that a deal was so far from being consummated that it was silly for Mueller's team to pursue it for the time they did. I also spent a little time quite a few years ago investigating Obama's house purchase in Chicago. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama conspired with a convicted felon to obtain his house at a reduced money amount, and at the same time gain control of an additional 625k of land for 1/6 of that price. What did Tony Rezko, as a soon to be convicted felon have to gain? Don't underestimate what you might learn here. You might have to fumble through 100 pages to find 5 that are worthy but that's a far better percentage than theshit that the MSM is putting out there.
  15. Here's some tips for dealing with women that will be sure to draw their attention. Always refer to the female bartender as "bar wench". You'll stand out and she will remember when you come back for more. If you see a woman you are attracted to just casually approach her and tell he she looks like your next wife. That infers that you have experience with a former wife so you're no rookie, but leaves a sense of impermanence in case she wants just a fling. Finally, give her a complement. My favorite is that skirt/pants/shorts are "very slimming". Works every time. Good luck.
  16. Marry her as soon as possible and take out a huge life insurance policy on yourself with the little shopper as the beneficiary. Testify against Hillary and leave your wife well off and laughing at your death. If possible, bring friends.
  17. I don't need anyone else telling me to throw out the trash.
  18. DR should change his screen name to "Ask Siri".
  19. I presume he's referring to Peace Out aka GaryBussey's alleged penchance for diddling little people.
  20. I think if we're going to vote to ban The_Dude we should also consider banning anyone starting threads with poetry. Seriously, for those of you that re worried about legal repercussions just claim that you are trying to rehabilitate him.
  21. I always thought you used to be Dog14787.
  22. Separate Fox New's news from Fox New's commentary. Their actual news people are fairly unbiased. The other MSM intermingle their commentary with the news so it's nearly all biased. We all know what Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow stand for but can you name a news anchor that is as fair minded as Bret Baier?
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