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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. He invited them over every day until it was settled. I think Nancy said she couldn't make it, she had prior plans. We just don't know at what Sandals though.
  2. This wholeshit is ridiculous. Not one mention of the Quaker Wars. You have experience in writing off a quarter of the world's population?
  3. Yes, but I encourage poor Bernie to run as an Independent. It's the right thing to do.
  4. C'mon B-Man, do we have to talk about this kind of made up stuff that never happens when we haven't even fully addressed "The Smirk"?
  5. Yesterday in his Rose Garden speech.
  6. He's already stated that he will do that.
  7. The wall is not intended to be as impenetrable as a prison wall. In other words, not perfect. It is meant to slow down any crossing so Border Patrol may arrive. The wall is most effective in reducing drug smuggling and the illegal/immoral sex trafficking of children. Sure, it will help some with illegal immigration and prevent caravans rushing our border but again it is only part of a border security system. Dogs may be helpful on patrol or seeking out illegals, criminal or otherwise, but they're just one tool in the bag.
  8. You're using a Medieval tactic to attack drug dealers and coyote smugglers. They'll just shoot the dogs.
  9. Bernie never really took it to Hillary during their primary battle. He handled her with kid gloves. Edit: I got to thinking, who wouldn't handle Hillary without putting on gloves?
  10. There's Islam, Condoning Islam and Radical Islam. We can live alongside Islam. Condoning Islam supports (or looks away from) Radical Islam. Radical Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. Radical Islam wants to subjugate all others to their beliefs. If that can't be done they want us dead. They've told us this. I believe them. Kill them, preferably over there.
  11. My immediate thought was somewhere in Asia but the building behind it is newer and brick.
  12. It seems to me that you were at least insinuating that walls weren't needed because Obama didn't even need a wall at his home. I was just pointing out that he had plenty of other protection. It goes without saying that of course we couldn't put guards every 20' along the border.
  13. Did you listen to Schumer's little talk yesterday where he mentioned that Trump had to learn his lesson? It reminded me of their Gloat Parade when the ACA was passed. They never learn to not celebrate first downs unless it seals the game.
  14. I think we'll find that there are enough dems that know that refusing to consider a wall or barrier is a losing proposition for them. The onus is back on the dems without a doubt.
  15. So, in other words they are both pretty well protected? Could we provide this same level of protection to our southern border or do you think that might be too expensive?
  16. Are there any barriers on the street near Obama's place? Patrol cars? Bushes or hedges? As you run by can you see the front entrance?
  17. Nathan Phillips, the actor.
  18. Stop and think. By bending over backwards to come to an agreement here, Trump is displaying his reasonableness. If an agreement can't be reached he'll simply declare an emergency and move money from other sources to the wall. That move will be challenged in court. In order to prevail in court he will need to show that he did his utmost to avoid having to declare an emergency. Sometimes it's more important to have a bigger brain than balls.
  19. We recently had a conversation in one of the threads here where the importance of precision in our posts was discussed. Too often when writing about Muslims your words would appear to lump them all together as terrorists. I know you don't mean that but in your desire to make a point or shock people you do just that. The paragraph that I bolded above reflects a perfectly reasonable stance on your part. The instances when you lash out at Haj is what gets threads like this started. Be more precise and/or nuanced in your posts and you won't be seen so much as a racist prick but as a real contributor here.
  20. Your flippant reply does nothing to add to the discussion and shows that you are not serious about a conversation. If you're going to be a smartass at least be a funny smartass. Don't be that guy.
  21. Be careful to not confuse religious intolerance with terrorist intolerance. There's a fine line that needs to be made here.
  22. His dental visit was just the first jerry brown moment he had. Moon Beam11.
  23. I knew you wouldn't get it. Take it as a lesson, some of us know more than you.
  24. 100% percent of the people crossing our border are breaking the law. Are you proposing that it is ok to break our laws?
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